青少年時期是人生發展的重要階段,因此如何有效提昇自尊感並降低憂鬱情緒在教育研究中是很重要的議題。本研究根據相關文獻建立一個理論模式,其目的在於瞭解國三學生「自尊」與「憂鬱情緒」之性別差異性,並以「親子互動」與「教育期望」做為中介變項,分析不同性別學生之變項如何影響到「自尊」與「憂鬱情緒」。分析資料乃取自「臺灣青少年成長歷程研究」(Taiwan Youth Project, TYP)中,2003年就讀國三學生為研究對象,共計2,664人,同時運用結構方程模式檢證其適配度考驗。研究結果發現:男學生比女學生普遍有較高的「自尊」評價,以及較低的「憂鬱情緒」。進一步分析顯示:親子互動愈佳、教育期望愈高,有助於提昇國中學生自尊感及減少憂鬱情緒。特別的是,國三男學生雖然有較低的教育期望、疏離的親子互動,但仍然比女學生容易產生高自尊感,以及有較少憂鬱情緒的表現。依上述結果,本研究於文末也對如何提昇中學生身心健康之措施提出具體建議與意見。
Adolescence is an important stage in the development of life; therefore, how to effectively enhance self-esteem and reduce depressed mood is a very important topic in educational research. Based on many related literatures, this study established a theoretical model, which aims to understand the individual gender differences between "self-esteem" and "depressed mood" of ninth-graders in Taiwan, and using "parent-child interaction" and "education expectation" as mediating variables in order to analyze how the variables of different gender students affect "self-esteem" and "depressed mood." The analysis of the data is taken from the "Taiwan Youth Project (TYP)" in 2003 ninth-graders for the study, a total of 2,664 objects; in the meantime, the researcher employed structural equation modeling (SEM) to verify the model fit. The results showed that male students generally have higher "self-esteem" evaluation and lower "depressed mood" than female students do. Further analysis showed better parent-child interactions and higher educational expectations are beneficial to improve self-esteem and to reduce depressed mood of the junior high school students. Especially, although the male ninth-graders who have lower educational expectations, and those are more alienated from parent-child interactions, they are still prone to show high self-esteem and less depressed mood than female ones do. Based on these findings, the researcher also proposed concrete suggestions and opinions on how to improve the measures of high school students' mental health at the end of this paper.