  • 期刊


Applying Design Thinking in Innovative Nursing Services: A Case Study of Patient Care Post Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy




This study describes the nursing experience of caring for a patient who received a laparoscopic cholecystectomy following acute cholecystitis. A patient-oriented approach was adopted in combination with design thinking to treat the patient empathetically and to satisfy his needs. Interview records were examined to identify three health problems experienced by the patient, namely nose pain due to repeated use of elastic adhesive tapes, changes in eating habits, and anxiety caused by the need to keep a gallbladder drainage record at home. To address these problems, an individualized nursing scheme was formulated, in which an improved nasogastric tube tape was designed, a post-cholecystectomy diet diary was created, and a simplified JP drainage color chart was provided for the patient. The objective was to prevent skin damage and alleviate pain caused by adhesive tapes, improve the understanding of postoperative eating practices, and increase the accuracy of drainage color assessment and records. The results verified that the new nasogastric tube tape improved the patient's skin and level of comfort, in addition to being easily removed. The diet diary was simple to use, provided useful information, and had a typesetting that was easy to read. It also served as a health education tool for the patient to understand low-fat diets, improved his diet compliance, reduced the occurrence of diarrhea, and provided referential data for nutrition assessment. The simplified JP drainage color chart enabled nurses to record the drainage amount, facilitated task handover between shifts, and enhanced the consistency of drainage color comparisons. The chart was simple to use, allowing the patient to assess and record the drainage color at home after being discharged from the hospital. The nursing scheme proposed in this study can serve as a reference for subsequent nursing quality improvement projects or health education guidelines.


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