  • 期刊

Comparison of Radiolabel Stability of Alternative Test Meals Using Tc-99m-DTPA in Gastric Emptying Scintigraphy



背景:胃排空閃爍造影目前為檢驗胃排空功能的主要檢查方式,本研究以鎝(Tc-99m)-DTPA 標定胃排空閃爍造影檢查的各類食物,並比較放射標定的穩定性。方法:檢驗食物樣本包含炒蛋、起士、燕麥快沖包及安素共4 種,分別與4.6MBq Tc-99m-DTPA 混合後再加入新鮮胃液攪拌均勻,置放至1 至4 小時。所有樣本經過濾後分為固體與液體部分,分別量測放射性活度,比較各樣本固態部分之放射活度百分比在4 小時內的變化。結果:與Tc-99m-DTPA 混合後的炒蛋與起士的4 小時內的放射性活性高,且相當穩定(98%及96%)。燕麥餐置放2 小時內亦具有高放射性活度(大於90%),超過2 小時後,燕麥餐雖呈半固態,並仍能具有良好的放射性活度(大於85.7%)。另一方面,安素以液態為主,固態放射活度顯著低於其他類食物(60 ~ 70%)。結論:Tc-99m-DTPA 可作為胃排空閃爍造影之替代同位素藥物,與燕麥快沖包標定後,具有良好穩定的放射性活度,且方便性高,臨床上可推廣使用。


Background: The use of radiolabeled test meals with scintigraphy is considered the gold standard for gastric emptying (GE) measurement. This study aimed to evaluate the stability and labeling efficiency of different test meals other than the standard low-fat, egg white sandwich using technetium-99m Tc-99m-DTPA. Methods: A 4.6 MBq dose of Tc-99m-DTPA was mixed with each alternative test meal, including scrambled eggs, cheese, oatmeal, or Ensure®. Each meal was then placed in a glass tube containing fresh human gastric juice. Samples of each meal were separated from the solid as well as from the liquid food; radioactivity before and after filtering was assayed in a dose calibrator. The percentage of initial radioactivity remaining with the mixed meal was then measured and compared. Results: Scrambled eggs and cheese had the least radioactive breakdown of the solid part (> 98% and 96%, respectively). The oatmeal meal also had a high binding stability (> 90%), which was as good as scrambled eggs and cheese (P = NS) within 2 hours. Although a slightly lower stability occurred after 2 hours (85.7%, 85.1% and 86.3% for 2, 3 and 4 hrs respectively, all P < 0.05), it remained semisolid in appearance with an acceptable binding stability. On the other hand, Ensure presented mainly as a liquid with the lowest radioactivity (77.3%) after 30 minutes. Conclusions: Using Tc-99m-DTPA as the radiopharmaceutical provided a simplified method to label the gastric emptying test meals. Oatmeal could be the alternative test meal for GE scintigraphy due to its good stability and labeling efficiency in the semisolid gastric juice form.
