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中華被毛孢(Hirsutella sinensis)深層發酵菌絲體不具有基因毒性

Hirsutella sinensis Mycelium Fermented Powder Has No Genotoxicity


中華被毛孢(Hirsutella sinensis)是傳統中藥冬蟲夏草的分離菌株,具有多樣生理活性。本研究以取得冬蟲夏草子實體進行分離純化中華被毛孢菌株,經鑑定確認後公開寄存,深層發酵培養菌絲體再以三項基因毒性(i)沙門氏菌回復突變試驗、(ii)體外哺乳細胞染色體結構與(iii)生體內哺乳動物細胞微核測試來探討中華被毛孢菌絲體發酵液凍乾粉之安全性,以作為提供人類安全食用之參考。結果顯示在(i)沙門氏菌回復突變試驗中,最高劑量5 mg/plate以下劑量皆不會使五株沙門氏菌造成突變。(ii)體外哺乳類細胞染色體結構異常試驗結果顯示以最高劑量5 mg/mL及其以下劑量,對哺乳類細胞CHO-K1 不具有致染色體變異之基因毒性。(iii)生體內哺乳動物細胞微核測試結果,在5,000 mg/kg b.w.及以下各劑量,皆不具誘發小鼠周邊血球細胞產生微核之能力。以及(iv)所有測試劑量組的多染性血球比例和陰性對照組比較下均無顯著差異,指出中華被毛孢菌絲體發酵凍乾粉不會抑制小鼠之造血機能。綜合上述,實驗結果顯示中華被毛孢菌絲體發酵液凍乾粉不具有基因毒性。

Parallel abstracts

Cordyceps sinensis is a medicinal mushroom that possess multiple bioactivities. Hirsutella sinensis is the mycelial form of Cordyceps sinensis. In this research, Hirsutella sinensis cells were isolated and purified from the fruit body of Cordyceps sinensis. The strain was identified by ITS sequencing. The sequences were deposited in the Bioresource Collection and Research Center (BCRC) at the Food Industry Research and Development Institute. The isolated Hirsutella sinensis was analyzed for genotoxicity by Ames, chromosomal aberration, and bone marrow cell micronucleus tests. In the Ames test, the powder of H. sinensis mycelium was found to have no mutagenic effect on 5 different strains of Salmonella typhimurium at the concentration of 5 mg per plate. At a concentration of 5 mg/ml, the powder of H. sinensis mycelium caused no chromosome aberrations in CHO-K1 cells. In vivo, erythrocyte micronucleus test revealed no significant increase in the number of polychromatic erythrocytes or erythrocytes with micronuclei in ICR mice treated with the formulation at a dose of 5,000 mg/kg body weight. This result indicates that the powder of H. sinensis mycelium has no adverse effect on bone marrow hematopoiesis. Taken together, results of this study suggest that H. sinensis has no genotoxicity.
