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The Use of Evaluation Indicators to Examine College English Teacher Teaching Behaviors: A Case Study of One Technological University in Central Taiwan



This study aimed to understand how college students perceived their English teachers' teaching behaviors via using evaluation indicators that were developed for the purpose to assess teachers in a fair and meaningful way. Fuzzy Delphi Method and Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process to construct an operational assessment mode and quantify the college English teachers' teaching behaviors in the classroom utilized in this study. Three aspects were evaluated: Teacher misbehaviors, teacher verbal behaviors, and teacher non-verbal behaviors. Two-hundred and forty-four college students from a central Taiwan university participated in this study voluntarily and anonymously. The finding revealed that most English teachers at this university performed better on non-verbal behaviors while teaching, especially, giving varied tones with facial expressions, followed by verbal behaviors. Teaching approaches gained a higher score from students' perspective whereas teacher-student interaction was the least satisfactory. The last aspect of teacher misbehavior was teacher misbehaviors, which included mocking students, lack of expertise, and lack of professional growth. The result showed English teachers need urgent improvement on professional growth. Since the population was only selected from one single university; some limitations need to be addressed. The result could only be generalized to this particular university. Even though some drawbacks could not be overlooked in this study, the result was very similar to the experts' opinions when constructing college teachers' behavior evaluation indicators. A further discussion, future suggestions and limitations of this study are addressed at the end of this article.

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英語教師 評量指標 即時性行為 不當行為


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