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Determinants of technological innovation capability


本文應用模糊決策實驗室分析法(Fuzzy-DEMATEL),分析探討台灣高科技業與製造業技術創新能力(Technological Innovation Capability,TICs)之決定性因子。技術創新能力包含多種特性且複雜糾結關聯之能力。釐清特性之間的因果關聯關係,提供企業準確掌握少數決定因子,讓有限資源發揮最大效果為本文目的。本研究先藉由模糊德菲法(Fuzzy Delphi method),建構技術創新能力構面與準則,再透過模糊決策實驗室分析法(Fuzzy-DEMATEL)分析技術創新能力構面與準則之間的因果關係。根據文獻回顧及17位學者與專家篩選,本研究建構出技術創新能力之6項主要構面和20項準則,再邀請45位專家(19位高科技業專家、26位製造業專家)進行技術創新能力構面之關聯關係評估,最後以模糊決策實驗室分析法,分析並建構構面之間的因果關係,最後確認出臺灣高科技業與製造業的技術創新能力決定性因子。研究結果顯示,就構面而言,創新管理能力是高科技業與製造業的技術創新能力決定性構面,它影響其他5個構面;在準則中,以吸收能力、創新組織文化、學習能力等三因子為決定性因子,它們影響其他17個因子。因此,面對產品生命週期不斷縮短與顧客需求變動快又大之競爭環境下,整體而言,企業為提昇技術創新能力,必需著重創新管理能力的提昇;細部因子必需從(1)提昇吸收能力,也就是要有能力辨識、吸收和應用新的外部資訊價值到商業產品上;(2)營造創新組織文化,也就是企業內部須具有激勵創新的組織文化與技術創新的獎賞制度,以提升企業的技術創新能力;(3)強化學習能力,也就是企業能夠從內部組織中辨識、吸取和利用知識之能力,可增強企業本身的知識管理能力、創新決策能力,以強化技術創新能力。

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This paper applies Fuzzy-DEMATEL to analyze the decisive determinants of technological innovation capability (TICs) in Taiwan's high-tech and manufacturing industries. Technological innovation capabilities comprise various features that are complex and interrelated, thus, among them the paper is to clarify the causal relationship to provide enterprises with certain determinants maximizing the effectiveness of resource utilization. In this study, the fuzzy Delphi method is used to construct the dimensions and criteria of technological innovation capability, and the causal relationship between them is then analyzed with the Fuzzy Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory methodology (Fuzzy- DEMATEL). Based on the literature reviews and investigation of seventeen experts, six main criteria and twenty sub-criteria were determined, and then among them the relationships were evaluated using questionnaires addressed to 45 experts including 19 from high-tech industries and 26 from manufacturing. Then the Fuzzy-DEMATEL method was applied to analyze the importance of dimensions and criteria and between them the casual relationships were constructed. As a result, in terms of dimension, the research shows that the innovation management capability is the decisive factor of technological innovation capability for high-tech industry and manufacturing industry affecting the other five dimensions; in terms of criteria, the absorptive capability, innovative organization culture, and learning capability are decisive determinants affecting the other 17 criteria. Therefore, in general, to enhance the technological innovation capability, enterprises emphasize the improvement of innovation management capability under the environment of shortening life cycle and increasingly fast-changing in customer demands. Furthermore, referring to the detailed criteria, enterprises must (1) enhance the absorptive capability for being able to identify, absorb and apply the value of new, external information value to commercial products; (2) create an innovative organizational culture, and encourage a reward system for the organization to enhance its technological innovation capability; (3) strengthen learning capability to identify, absorb and use internal knowledge of organizations to improve knowledge management skills, ability to make innovation decisions, and technological innovation capability.


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