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A study on time series analysis on learning belief, motivation and affective performance change in Thai language


信念、動機與情意是影響第二外語學習的重要因素,學習者常因正負面的因素,而影響到外語學習的成果甚至中斷學習,故教學方法對於學習者的信念、動機與情意表現的變化極為重要。因此,本研究旨在瞭解參與者在泰語學習歷程中的情意表現變化,本研究邀請三所大學校院選修基礎泰語課程學生參與,在課程的第一週、第九週與第十八週,各發放一次問卷,共收集175份有效問卷,並以時間序列分析訪進行探討。本研究以AMOS進行項目分析與收斂效度分析,在以SPSS 23進行信度與構面區別效度分析,最後再進行單因子相依變異數分析。研究結果顯示,本研究參與者的泰語學習自我效能、泰語學習動機、泰語學習興趣等感知,在第十八週與第一週相比,具有顯著的提升,而泰語學習焦慮則有顯著下降,而持續學習意願並未有顯著變化。

Parallel abstracts

Belief, motivation, and affection are important factors that influences the study of second foreign language. Positive and negative factors often influence the results of foreign language learning and even interrupt learning. Therefore, teaching methods are extremely important for the changes of learners' belief, motivation, and affective performance. Therefore, this study aims to understand the changes in the belief, motivation and emotional performance of participants in the Thai language learning process. The participants of this study were invited from three universities who took the basic Thai language course. Questionnaire were distributed in the first week, the ninth week and the eighteenth week of the course. A total of 175 valid questionnaires were collected and discussed in a time series analysis interview. In this study, AMOS was used for item analysis and convergence validity analysis. The reliability were analyzed by SPSS 23, and finally the repeated measured ANOVA. The results of the study showed that the participants' perceptions of Thai language self-efficacy, Thai learning motivation, and Thai language interest were significantly improved compared with the first week and the eighteenth week, while Thai learning anxiety was significantly reduced. There is no significant change in the intention to Thai language learning.


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葉建宏、王志美、譚華德、葉貞妮、吳宇豐(2021)。Kahoot APP應用於泰國語言與文化課程:認知疲乏、遊戲興趣、焦慮、價值與持續使用意願之關係中科大學報8(2),1-30。https://doi.org/10.6902/JNTUST.202112_8(2).0001
