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Music Fun-Designing of PBL Musical Board Game


本研究應用問題導向學習(Problem-based learning)教學模式於音樂課程中,將桌遊實作融入音樂課程,讓難以吸收的音樂理論,在「做中學」中化為有趣的遊戲內容。透過問題來刺激學生學習,再藉由老師與同學,同學與同學之間的討論,逐次解決問題,而建構出相關知識的能力。問題導向學習特別適合應用於高創造力以及需跨領域統整的通識教學課程,此課程企圖翻轉學生對傳統音樂教育的看法,特別規劃以音樂為基底,遊戲為媒介的音樂性桌遊設計主題,由不同系科專長的學生參與課程,展現跨領域學習與實作能力。也藉由桌遊的趣味特性,讓音樂的學習過程「樂來樂好玩」。課程的設計與規劃為:在音樂課的教學現場,音樂是主體,桌遊是工具,製作音樂桌遊是目的。學生透過設計好玩的遊戲去學習到音樂的知識,更透過問題導向學習法的引導,學會自主挖掘答案。而這種為解決問題而努力蒐集資料的過程,就是PBL的精神,透過這樣的訓練,學生便能培養出主動學習的企圖心以及願意思考的終身學習能力,這也是教育界未來的發展趨勢!


問題導向學習 音樂 桌遊

Parallel abstracts

In this study, the problem-based learning (PBL) teaching model is used in music courses to stimulate students' learning through problems. Those problems will be solved one by one through the discussion between teachers and students or between students themselves constructing the ability to learn the relevant knowledge. Problem-oriented learning is particularly suitable for high creativity and general education courses that require cross-disciplinary integration. This course attempts to reverse students' views on traditional music education by specifically planning a theme of musical board game design that based on the music and through the game as the media. The courses can be involved by students from different departments and specialties demonstrating cross-disciplinary learning and practical ability. It also makes the musical learning process funnier through the interesting characteristics of the board game. Making musical board game is the goal to help students to learn music as the main subject through the board game as the tool in the class. By designing the fun game, students not only learn music better but also learn how to find the answer by themselves through the problem-based learning. This self-promoted action by finding their own answers is also the main spirit of the problem-based learning. Those students will then be more aggressive in self-learning for the whole life. This will be the future direction of the education.

Parallel keywords

problem-based learning music board game


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Robinson, K. (2006). Do schools kill creativity? TED 2006. Retrieved from https://www.ted.com/talks/sir_ken_robinson_do_schools_kill_creativity/transcript?language=zh-tw
Stepien, W., & Gallagher, S. (1993). Problem-Based Learning: As Authentic as it Gets. Educational Leadership (April). 25-28.

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