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U.S. Voter Turnout in Presidential Elections: Is It in Decline?



The United States is the world's most prominent and influential democracy. It has the world's largest nominal GDP by a wide margin, it's one of the 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council (an institution which it helped create), and its businesses have access to almost every corner of the globe. Underpinning this success are America's democratic institutions. If those start to fail, the whole world will feel it. Many worry that America's democracy is declining or weakening. Those who hold this view point to various threats to America's democratic institutions: corruption, political polarization, the decline of "civilized" debate, and even voter suppression. One trend that is connected to all of these threats is voter turnout. Since 1896, voter turnout in presidential elections appears to have made a generally steady decline. This study compared voting habits of the past to those of today in order to ascertain (1) whether the decline is real and (2) the factors that may be at the root of this decline. Although the data available was far from perfect, it revealed that the decline in voter turnout in presidential elections is real, but may be in the middle of an upswing. This study also identified four key factors that have influenced voter turnout over the last 150 years. One of those key factors is the public's attitude toward government and politics, which has turned very negative over the last couple of decades. This explains a lot about the current state of highly polarized politics in the U.S.

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投票率 政治兩極化 壓制選民 民主


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