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An Empirical Research of Students' Satisfaction in Technological and Vocational Universities


高等教育市場競爭日趨激烈,一般企業較偏愛技職院校畢業生,少以假日班為研究對象,也少有做學生對學校各個層面滿意度,所以本研究在實証探討技職院校假日班的學生滿意度。本文是國內首度運用Adult Student Priorities Survey(ASPS)在實証探究中部公立技職院校進專和進修學院學生對學校實際滿意之現況,希望尋求中部技職教育假日班改善教學、服務及行政品質的參考依據。ASPS為美國Noel-Levitz開發的問卷,包含八個向度,主要問項四十九題。採部份分層抽樣,部份便利抽樣,對象為中部公立技職院校進專和進修學院在學生,依不同學校分為二層,各學校調查250名,採分層抽樣,中部國立技職院校B校,採便利抽樣,同時將問卷均分至各學制、各系(科)、各年級為分層因素,中部國立技職院校A校,採便利抽樣,同時隨意抽出九個不同系(科),各調查30名,以系(科)為分層因素,同時將問卷均分至各學制、各年級為分層因素。結果發現:滿意度最高的是註冊程序,其次為教學效果、校園組織氣候,校園安全最受學生抱怨。不同層面在學生滿意度上有顯著差異存在,其結果與構面滿意度平均數的相同。綜合問題得知,學生滿意度偏高。藉此結果,對增進中部技職院校假日班的教育品質絕對有實質效果,建議考量學生對教育品質看法。

Parallel abstracts

In Taiwan, institutions of higher education are facing a decrease in the number of students. Enterprises prefer graduates of technological and vocational universities to graduates of universities. Few studies exist of student satisfaction with weekend programs. This study intends to fill that void. This research is the first that uses Adult Student Priorities Survey (ASPS) to investigate students' satisfaction with college of continuing education and junior college of continuing education affiliated with public technological and vocational universities in Central Taiwan. Developed by Noel-Levitz, the eight scales of the ASPS measure their satisfaction with 49 items. The survey was conducted through stratified sampling and convenience sampling. The public technological and vocational universities in Central Taiwan were divided into two strata: National Technological and Vocational Universities A School and National Technological and Vocational Universities B School . In each school, 250 college and junior college students were selected through stratified sampling. The questionnaires were evenly distributed among the departments, first year/second year and college/junior college for B School, concurrently. The faculty of B School were very supportive of the study. Nine departments of A School were selected. In each department, 30 college and junior college students were selected. The inventory was evenly distributed among college/junior college and first year/second year, concurrently. The teachers of A School were very cooperative of this project. Results indicated that college and junior college students had relatively high satisfaction with the overall campus environment. The top-ranked scales of students' satisfaction rating were registration effectiveness and instructional effectiveness. The lowest-ranked was safety and security. We found that college and junior college students had relatively high satisfaction with the three standardized Summary Items of the ASPS. Consider the students' opinions.


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