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Factors Affecting the Learning Achievements of Futures: Taking the Microworld Learning Strategy as a Moderator




The global financial market has fluctuated considerably during the 1997 Asian financial turmoil, the financial tsunami in 2008, and the COVID-19 that has not stopped since 2020, investors suffered great losses. Nevertheless, futures can be traded in long and short transactions to conduct hedging in the financial market, thus, learning related to futures is necessary. A quasi-experimental design approach is taken and divides participants into two groups. The experimental group with forty-four subjects adopted the microworld learning strategy, and the conventional learning strategy was applied to the control group with twenty-nine subjects. This study uses learning motivation and attitude as explanatory variables, and learning strategy as a moderator to probe the learning achievements. The results reveal that motivation, attitude, and interaction between motivation and microworld learning strategy have significant positive effects on learning achievements. The microworld learning strategy provides students with the context of learning by doing. Through the microworld, learners can interact with the financial market, thereby comprehending the effect of macroeconomic fluctuations on futures trading, causing them to perceive learning as joyful and relevant and cultivating their problem-solving skills. The findings of this study also offer some suggestions for those who want to conduct contextual learning activities.


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