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Project-Based Learning and APP Creation as a Boost in EFL College Learners' Reading Attitudes and Performance



This study aims to create a collaborative project with the combination of English picture book reading and APP creation for EFL low-achieving learners in Taiwan. The learners (N= 85) from different academic departments developed English picture book APPs. Before the APP creation, they read English picture books and reflected on the texts; they were offered courses to learn how to use APP Inventor 2. Through the collaboration in the 18-week semester, each group of the learners presented an English picture book APP with their own stories in English, illustrations, and voices. English reading performance and attitudes were evaluated both before and after the project. The project-based learning, according to the outcomes, made the learners have more positive attitudes towards English learning and become better English readers. The outcomes and contributions serve as a reference for EFL teachers or practitioners. EFL low-achieving learners, thus, could be able to display their learning output in a more confident manner.

Parallel abstracts

文法教學法在外語學習的情境中是相當普遍的,尤其是在台灣。台灣的外語教學的主流較傾向於文法教學、以考試得高分為中心。學校正式教育大部分太過於重視學業成績而漠視了學習過程的重要性,語文學習的成果不應只由考試分數來判定,而是可以結合實作課程,用專案導向學習(project-based learning)的模式來呈現出較為豐富的英文學習成果。本研究使用英文繪本作為課堂讀本,採用合作學習的模式分組共同完成一個英文繪本APP。一學期的專案導向學習結果顯示技職低成就學生的英文學習態度及英文閱讀力都有顯著提升。

Parallel keywords

英文繪本 專案導向學習 英文閱讀 APP創作


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