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The Interpretation and Standardization of Place Names by Chinese in Singapore and Malaya: A Study of Lat Pau, 1887-1932




叻報 新加坡 馬來亞 地名 海外華人

Parallel abstracts

Through a close study of the place names in the "Lat Pau", this article aims to discuss the formation of the geographical knowledge among the Chinese immigrants between the 19th and early 20th centuries. Lat Pau was the most influential Chinese daily newspaper during the time. It was headquartered in Singapore and widely distributed in the Malay Peninsula and its surrounding areas. Most of the newspaper's content is related to various parts of Southeast Asia, including many of the newly-opened regions. Many of the place names that are well known today were still fresh for the Chinese at that time. Thus, the Chinese immigrants were inevitably involved in the process of interpreting and standardizing those foreign place names, and many new place names were therefore created. Having collected the place names appearing in the Lat Pau and supplemented with other place-name materials, this article discusses the standardization process and spatial distribution trends of these place names and shows the formation and changes of the early Chinese immigrants' geospatial view.

Parallel keywords

Lat Pau Singapore Malaya place name overseas Chinese


康培德,〈十八、十九世紀巴達維亞唐人對殖民地行政體系的文化認知賦予與重塑以《公案簿》中的官職、機構外來語為例〉,《漢學研究》,第35卷,第1期( 2017年3月),頁261-290。
Phyllis Ghim-Lian Chew, A Sociolinguistic History of Early Identities in Singapore: From Colonialism to Nationalism (UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013).
周凱琴,《馬來西亞漢語和馬來語借詞相互滲透之研究》(新加坡:新加坡國立大學中文系、北京大學中國語言文學系雙學位未刊碩士論文,2010 )。
