目的:調查2016臺灣地區校園學生非法藥物使用之盛行率,並比較過去與現今之差異。方法:研究於2016年2月至2016年6月間,針對臺灣地區主要城市(新北市、台 中市、高雄市)國、高中職學校進行分層隨機抽樣。總計抽出2,580名學生樣本, 檢誤後有2,270 名學生為成功樣本,成功率88%,在95%之信心水準下,抽樣誤差為正負1.93%。本研究以次數分配進行分析。結果:有1.4%的學生曾使用任何一種毒品;在曾使用毒品種類中,K他命占41.46%為第一,咖啡奶茶毒品混合包21.95%次之。比較2015年與2016年校園學生之非法藥物使用,發現高中職學生在使用毒品上2016年大於2015年。結論:研究結果顯示,高中生在接觸非法藥物的比率有略微上升的趨勢,需要學校及家庭、社區各方面關注。其次,K他命為當前臺灣地區中學生藥物濫用之首位。此外,本研究發現新興毒品型態:咖啡奶茶毒品混合包在青少年使用上位居第二,相關部門應密切注意其發展,加強查緝與管制並積極防治。
Goal. The aim of this study is to investigate the prevalence rate of students’ drug using in campus in Taiwan and to compare the results with those of previous survey. Method. High schools, including vocational schools, in New Taipei City, Taichung City, and Kaohsiung City were stratified sampled and the students were surveyed during February and June, 2016. In total, 2,580 were surveyed and 2,270 0f the surveys were valid. The success rate of survey was 88%. Results. Frequencies were analyzed in this study. It is found that 1.4% of the surveyed students have ever used at least one kind of drugs. Among the drugs ever used, Ketamine is the most popular drug (41.46%), and the following is the coffee-milk tea mixed drink (21.95%). Compared with the results of survey in 2015, there are more students of senior high schools and vocational schools reporting that they have ever used any kind of drugs in 2016 than those in 2015. Conclusion. The prevalence rate of students from senior high schools and vocational schools is slightly increasing and this result is worthy of more concerns from schools, families, and the communities. The study also finds that Ketamine is the most popularly used drug among high school students in Taiwan. Additionally, it is found that the newly developing drug, the mixed drink of coffee-milk tea, has become the second place of the most popularly used drugs among adolescents. The related agencies should carefully notice such development and strengthen their strategies for prevention, control, and investigation of drug use.