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Patterns and Changes of Transition to Adulthood in Taiwan

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本研究探討台灣民眾轉至成人歷程(transition to adulthood),嘗試回答1935-1984年出生世代轉至成人歷程呈現哪些類型、內涵、人口特徵及變遷。資料取自1996年「台灣社會變遷基本調查第三期第二次東亞比較調查」與2005年「東亞社會階層與社會流動研究」,總樣本數7,248筆。本研究採用處理多重生命事件動態歷程的多軌道序列分析法。研究發現台灣轉至成人歷程出現明顯世代變遷,持續期增長、生命事件順序彈性增加、起步時間從早鳥到晚發的變化、第一生命事件從完成學業到更多人為開始工作。發生型中婚育定錨作用消失,使「早起步慢完成、晚起步快完成」型態轉變為「早起步快完成、晚起步慢完成」。性別與家庭社會階層持續影響不同世代的轉至成人歷程。高家庭社會階層男性有較長且彈性的轉至成人歷程,供其編寫適合自我的路徑,較高的生命事件未發生率意味著必須反思「無法完成生命事件者為失敗者」的刻板印象。低家庭社會階層女性持續期短且採行規範性路徑,必須承受生命事件快速發生的衝擊,且無法跳脫傳統框架。

Parallel abstracts

This study explores the transition to adulthood in the cohort period spanning from 1935 to 1984 in Taiwan by adopting the life course approach, in an effort to identify typical transition to adulthood types, their features, relationships to demographics, and cohort variations. Combining two surveys, the Taiwan Social Change Survey, 1996 and the Social Stratification and Social Mobility in Three Eastern Asian Countries, 2005, we employ Multichannel Sequence Analysis to analyze 7,248 respondents’ life event data. We identified different kinds of transition to adulthood types in each birth cohort period. We found apparent cohort changes during the transition to adulthood, including longer duration and more diversity in the order of life events. The outset time of transition to adulthood changed from early to late, and the first event changed from finishing school to more starting work. The "anchoring effect" of first marriage identified in the early cohort weakened, leading to a change from "early start and late completion, late start and early completion" to "early start and early completion, late start and late completion" among the types having high completion rates. Sex and family socioeconomic status continue to have significant effects on the transition to adulthood, and the advantaged/disadvantaged demographic features tend to overlap in certain types. The advantaged groups, namely males with high family socioeconomic status, have longer duration and more flexibility in the transition to adulthood. Their higher rates of not completing life events demands more reflection on the legitimacy of stereotyping those who do not finish life events on time as failures. The most disadvantaged group, females with low family socioeconomic status, shows opposite characteristics to those of the overall trend. Having the shortest duration and the normative path in the transition to adulthood demands that people in this type make the most effort to adjust to the impacts of frequently changing life events.


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