The scheme of controlling mango anthracnose disease needs to integrate fungicide spray, fruit bagging, and postharvest treatment in sequential processes. Laboratory experiments indicated that dithianon, dithianon + pyraclostrobin, fluazinam, fosetyl-aluminium + oxine-copper, iminoctadine triacetate, mancozeb, metconazole, metiram, oxine-copper, polyoxins + oxine-copper, propineb, thiabendazole + oxine-copper, and thiram each could completely inhibit spore germination of the pathogen. In addition, carbendazim + prochloraz, cyprodinil + fludioxonil, manganese prochlorate, prochloraz, and polyoxins were also shown with potential to control the pathogen. They inhibited the appressorium formation while left spore germination unchecked. In a field trial, rotational sprays with dithianon, fluazinam, and oxine-copper in series achieved good performance on disease control. The significance of laboratory screening presented in recommendation of appropriated chemicals for field application was indicated. Postharvest treatment of mango fruits with 57℃ hot water for 3 min effectively prevented the development of anthracnose symptom without heat injury.