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Analysis on Karim Rashid's Hotel Color Scheme


工業及室內設計師卡林.拉席德利用曲線及顏色的產品設計手法,運用塑形便利的塑料產品及壓克力及染色玻璃,與傳統瓷磚、水泥、油漆等建築表面包覆材結合,將大量塑料產品、壓克力及染色玻璃裝設在希臘雅典五星級塞米勒米斯酒店及德國漢堡二星級普瑞茲特爾酒店外觀及室內空間,新穎的媒合現代石化材料的塑料、壓克力素材及染色玻璃應用於建築外觀與室內。透過塑料產品、壓克力及染色玻璃的使用,表現出不同程度的不透明、半透明、或是透明,讓顏色表現出明度、彩度、或是色澤的變化,營造出空間的虛與實。卡林.拉席德設計深受源自於北歐的「民主設計」思想影響。以民主設計為本,將本身工業設計產品融入酒店裝置藝術及家俱,選擇希臘及德國傳統文化色彩為基調,重新詮釋希臘及德國色彩。整體顏色表現根據設計師的說法,希臘雅典塞米勒米斯酒店表現出正面能量、年輕的氣息、熱情、提供相較於傳統感官不同的吸引力,德國漢堡的普瑞茲特爾酒店如官方網站所敘述「體驗顏色和造型設計的力量」。本研究依循民主設計五要素將酒店分區討論,使用彩通工作坊(Pantone Studio)進行色彩分析,探討卡林.拉席德以塑料產品、壓克力及染色玻璃為媒材的色彩表現設計手法,期望透過整理分析,了解希臘雅典塞米勒米斯酒店及漢堡普瑞茲特爾酒店的色彩運用準則,並進一步比較兩案例空間色彩表現手法與色彩感知形容詞之關係。

Parallel abstracts

Industrial and interior designer, Karim Rashid, uses curves and colors and applied techniques which he used in product design on plastic materials, acrylic, and tinted glass. As plastic materials are easy to shape, he uses them as major roles along with acrylic, tinted glass, traditional building materials, tiles, cement, and paint externally and internally in Semiramis hotel Athens, Greece, and Prizeotel hotel, Hamburg. He demonstrates the innovative use of the modern petrochemical materials, matching plastic materials, acrylic, and tinted glass on building structure externally and internally. Through the use of plastic materials, acrylic, and tinted glass, different degrees of opaque, translucency, and transparency can be expressed. Colors on plastic materials can have changes of brightness, chroma, and hue to create space emptiness or abundance. Karim Rashid's design rooted in the concept of "democratic design" originated from Scandinavian countries. Based on democratic design, he fuses industrial products with hotel installation art and furniture. Choosing Greek and German traditional cultural colors as base colors, he reinterprets Greek and German colors. The overall color representation in Semiramis hotel, Athens, as Karim Rashid said, shows positive energy, young atmosphere and hospitality. These qualities provide an alternative attraction in comparison with traditional hotels. As for Prizeotel hotel, Hamburg, as the official website states, visitors can "experience colors and shapes of 'Designocracy'." This research uses five major elements of democratic design to discuss and analyze Karim Rashid's color expression techniques through the use of plastic products, acrylic, and tinted glass. Through analyzing the expressive design techniques of Semiramis hotel, Athens, and Prizeotel hotel, Hamburg, color design guidelines and purposes of the two cases can be categorized. The categorized expressive color design schemes and the linking of color cognition adjectives of the two hotel cases are also studied.

Parallel keywords

curves color color cognition adjective democratic design hotel
