The main purpose of this study was to explore the relationships between students' internet-specific epistemic beliefs in medicine (ISEM), online academic help seeking (OAHS) and their learning performance including online academic self-efficacy (OASE) and learning achievement. Accordingly, related materials for students' learning were collected and three instruments, ISEM, OASE and OAHS were adopted for the 78 university students majored in pharmacy who enrolled in the course of "medicinal chemistry experiment". The results indicated that the scales compiled in this study with good reliability and validity. To a certain degree, students' "internet-specific epistemic beliefs in medicine" significantly predict both of their "online academic help seeking behavior" and "learning performance". Furthermore, their "online academic help seeking behavior" then significantly predict their "online academic self-efficacy" and "learning achievement". This study contributes to a better understanding of the relationships of students' OASE, OAHS, ISEM and learning performance.