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A Research of Buddha Sutra of Impermanence Unearthed in Khara-Khoto


《佛說無常經》在黑水城和敦煌藏經洞中都有保存,黑水城存有漢文本和西夏文本。英藏、俄藏黑水城文獻和敦煌藏經洞文獻的刊佈,為我們更好地瞭解其傳播情況提供了資料。本文先對英國國家圖書館藏 Or.12380-3700aRV(K.K.II.0258.m)、Or.12380-3700b(K.K.II.0258.m)和Or.12380-3700bRV(K.K.II.0258.m)號西夏文佛經殘葉進行釋讀研究和重新綴合,然後把黑水城和敦煌藏經洞出土的《佛說無常經》做簡要比較研究。

Parallel abstracts

The Buddha Sutra of Impermanence is preserved in Khara-Khoto and the Canon Cave of Dunhuang. Khara-Khoto has preserved its texts both in Chinese script and Xixia script. The publications of Khara-Khoto literature preserved in Great Britain and Russia and that preserved in the Canon Cave of Dunhuang provide materials for a better understanding of its spread. This article researches and rearranges the residuals of the Buddhist canon in Xixia script preserved in the British Library [Or.12380-3700aRV(K.K.II.0258.m), Or.12380-3700b(K.K.II.0258.m) and Or.12380-3700bRV(K.K.II.0258.m)], and then makes a concise comparative study on different Buddha Sutra of Impermanence texts from Khara-Khoto and the Canon Cave of Dunhuang.
