  • 期刊


The Methods for Pacifying the Mind in Farong's Chan Teachings




安心 無心 絕觀 畢竟空 無所得 牛頭宗


This thesis aims to explore the content of the Chan teachings of the patriarch Farong (594-657) of the Niutou (Ox Head) Sect of Chinese Chan Buddhism, and hopes to show the principal thoughts and concepts, doctrinal arguments, and spirit of study and practice found in Farong's teachings regarding how to pacify the mind and enter the Path through Chan practice. As for research methodology, the text analyzes the concepts of Farong's Chan teachings, and sheds light on their implication, so as to reveal the philosophical significance of his teachings. The thesis explores topics such as: "What is the mind?" and "How to pacify the mind?" to point out Farong's view of regarding the "mind" as "deluded thought," as well as the expedient means he taught for pacifying the mind through realizing "no attainment" as a result of not establishing the substance of "mind"; "the principle of study and practice of 'fixing the mind nowhere'," focusing on expounding Farong's Chan teachings regarding the transformation from "having the mind" to "having no mind," to show the sequence of the practice of Chan contemplation from "non-essential contemplation" to "fundamental contemplation"; reflections on Farong's viewpoint of "grass and trees will achieve buddhahood" through clarifying different implications of the various concepts of "no mind" and discussion on the different connotations between "sages having no mind" and "grass and trees having no mind."
