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Three Questions of Humanistic Buddhism



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The rise of Master Tai Xu's thoughts of Humanistic Buddhism partly was forced by the development of Taiwan Buddhism, and partly facilitates the appeals of those who had different thoughts from the mainstream of Taiwan Buddhism. His thoughts of Humanistic Buddhism launched at the right time; by using the thoughts the Buddhists at the edge of the mainstream came to possess a more significant position on the stage of Buddhism. The understanding of Humanistic Buddhism should be raised to the level of the development of the whole Chinese Buddhism, and incorporated as the strategic development thinking to Buddhism in the future. The theory of Humanistic Buddhism is not perfect enough, and the focus of development should be placed on further upgrading and innovation. Different forces should be integrated under the framework of Humanistic Buddhism. By bringing its integrational function to the full potential, the whole world could be immersed in the influence of Humanistic Buddhism, based on the historical traditions of Buddhism. Here lies the greatest contribution that Chinese Buddhism can ever present to the contemporary world.


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