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Knowledge, Negative Emotion and the Third-person Effect of Covid-19 Misinformation: A Study in Singapore



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The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic accompanied by the widespread dissemination of misinformation has become a significant challenge for the global society. From the perspective of the third-person effect, this research aimed to explore how exposure to Covid-19 misinformation affects individuals' perceived influence on their selves versus that on others, and the effect of such perceived influence on anti-vaccine attitudes and actions against misinformation. The study interviewed 1,025 Singaporeans through an online survey, and the results reveal that Covid-19 misinformation exposure could affect individuals' perceived influence on their self and on others through knowledge and negative emotions. Perceived influence on the self was also found to be a significant predictor of both anti-vaccine attitudes and actions to counter misinformation, while perceived influence on others only significantly predicts actions against misinformation. These findings enrich the literature on third-person effect and enhance the understanding of broad media effects and related mechanisms of responses to Covid-19 misinformation during the pandemic.


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