





This article is taken from the writer's thesis entitled "A Study of Plato's Educational Thoughts." It discusses Plato's thoughts concerning the essential of education, the dynamic of education, the ideals and purposes of education, and the function of education. I. The essential meaning of education: According to Plato's "The Laws", the writer took inductive method to arrange and found three definitions of education: (A) education is a process of rational; (B) education is a process of mental discipline; (C) education is a process of moral training. In a word, education is a process of rational development, mental discipline, and moral training. II. The dynamic of education: Plato's "Symposium" was full of the underlying conception of love. The dynamic of education, from other viewpoint, is the basic enthusiasm of education. That is to say, teachers must love their students. The love between teacher and student is the so-called Paiderastia. III. The purposes of education: From the viewpoint of Idealism, Plato believes that the most important purposes of education are to complete the indigenous ability, develop the character of individual and finally each in its fit place making its cooperative contribution to behavior. This is the social justice. The purposes of education include three parts: (A) self-realization, i.e., to a walon the rational faculty; to make one self governing; and to develop virtue. (B) socialization of the individual: education is to maintain social traditional culture and create the new culture. (C) unity of the whole, to produce the good citizen. The good citizen is the one who has a harmonious development of all his capacities. IV. The function of education: The functions of education are advocated by Plato as follow: (A) to complete state unity; (B) to develop virtue or civic efficiency; (C) to establish the rule of reason in the growing life of the child; (D) the development of the aesthetic sensibility; (E) to make a unified whole; (F) to make it unnecessary to multiply the laws to infinite detail; (G) to teach children to live together in harmony.




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