本試驗在分析蘭嶼豬血液生化性狀,提供使用小型豬做動物實驗研究參考依據。採用全自動化生化分析儀測定蘭嶼豬20個生化性狀,針對不同性別及不同月齡的血液生化值進行分析與比較。試驗結果顯示,蘭嶼豬血清生化檢驗項目測定結果,3月齡之雌、雄蘭嶼豬之間僅鎂(Mg)及無機磷(P)等指標具顯著差異(P < 0.05)。6月齡雌、雄蘭嶼豬有為丙氨酸氨基轉移酶(ALT)、鹼性磷酸酶(ALP)、葡萄糖(GLU)、總膽固醇(CHOL)、尿素氮(BUN)、肌酐(CREAT)、Mg、鈉(Na)、氯化物(Cl)和鈣(Ca)等10項檢驗項目具有顯著差異(P < 0.05),其他各項檢驗項目,雌、雄蘭嶼豬間均無顯著差異。公豬3及6月齡間血液生化檢驗項目的統計分析結果有ALT、乳酸脫氫酶(LDH)、血清白蛋白(ALB)、總蛋白(TP)、甘油三酯(TG)、CHOL、BUN、Mg、Na、Cl、Ca及P等12項指標具顯著差異(P < 0.05),母豬3及6月齡間血液生化檢驗項目的統計分析結果,僅ALP、GLU、TP、TG、Ca及P等6項指標具差異顯著(P < 0.05)。於20項血液生化檢驗指標觀察,其中有9項和人類相接近,此血液生化檢驗項目濃度值比較,將有助於做為小型豬生物資料庫之建立。
This assay was aimed to examine the blood biochemical values in the Lanyu pigs, so as to provide the reference data for experiments on minipigs animals. Twenty biochemical blood values in Lanyu pigs were measured using automatic biochemical analyzer. The differences between sexes, and two age groups were analyzed. The results showed that among the blood biochemical values, only Mg and P showed significant difference between male and female Lanyu pigs at 3 month old (P < 0.05). ALT, ALP, GLU, CHOL, BUN, CREAT, Mg, Na, Cl and Ca showed significant difference between male and female Lanyu pigs at 6 month old (P < 0.05). The other values were not different between the genders. The results showed among the blood biochemical values, ALT, LDH, ALB, TP, TG, CHOL, BNU, Mg, Na, Cl, Ca and P showed significant difference between 3 and 6 month old in male Lanyu pigs (P < 0.05). Only ALP, GLU, TP, TG, Ca and P showed significant difference between 3 and 6 month old in female Lanyu pigs (P < 0.05). Nine observed values of twenty biochemical blood in Lanyu pigs were the same as for human beings. The comparison of blood biochemical values would be helpful in establishing the biological database of minipigs bred.