  • 學位論文


Sesame Seed Import Demand Analysis in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan

指導教授 : 吳榮杰



Sesame is an important export crop in Burkina Faso. Annual exports of sesame from Burkina Faso are valued at about US$55 million in 2010 and Burkina Faso is among the suppliers of sesame seed to the world’s largest importer, Japan. These features are poorly recognized and it is timely to develop support and action to facilitate the continued expansion of this sector. The position of sesame is not well understood either in Burkina Faso or in the global trade, and a significantly clearer interpretation of Burkina Faso’s competitive position and opportunities in these asian countries is essential. Therefore, the import demand behavior in these countries is very important in order to make proper recommendations to Burkina Faso government. The compilation of this report has revealed that the import demand in this countries is less responsive to the import price, while it is slightly responsisive to GDP. Based on these results and also a SWOT analysis of the sesame sector in Burkina Faso, the policy recommendations to Burkina Faso government focused on the sector improvement for more competitiveness in these countries where the economy is growing and the import demand is less responsive to price than GDP.


import demand sesame seed Burkina Faso SWOT analysis


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