  • 學位論文


Strategy Analysis of Taiwan Facial Mask Firms- Take “Timeless Truth” and “My Beauty Diary” for Example

指導教授 : 吳政衛


近年來台灣面膜的國際知名度與日俱增,在藥妝店裡時常可以看到海外觀光客將面膜當成伴手禮而大量購買,除了我的美麗日記、森田藥粧等知名面膜品牌外,越來越多新興面膜品牌出現。事實上,台灣面膜產量於2014 年時成為全球之冠,至2018 年在台灣1,200 億新台幣化粧品市場產值中,光是面膜單一品項就占市場份額的5%,顯示出台灣面膜受到全球消費者歡迎的程度。 然而,細觀化粧品消費習慣可以發現消費者在選購時深受來源國效應影響,多數化粧品領導企業來自法國、美國或是日本,即便現今化粧品產業進入門檻隨科技演進而逐漸降低,大型集團的地位仍難以撼動,在此情況下,本研究旨在探究台灣化粧品產業具備什麼優勢,使得面膜出口能取得這樣亮眼的成績,並進一步對台灣兩家面膜品牌—「提提研」及「我的美麗日記」進行分析比較,探討兩者在競爭策略、垂直整合程度、國際化策略等層面各自的選擇及優劣勢,作為台灣其他面膜甚至是化粧品企業的參考。 本研究認為台灣化粧品供應鏈中有許多具國際領先地位的代工廠,品牌商可以選擇與代工廠結盟並利用跨境電商作為銷售管道,將有限的資源集中運用在建立品牌經營的核心優勢,而製造商與品牌商共同合作除了能提高產能利用率外,還能依據品牌商所得到消費者回饋作為產品研發的參考,持續進行產品創新,進而優化台灣化粧品產業的國家競爭力。


In recent years, Taiwan’s facial masks have been gaining increasing international recognition. Tourists visiting the country are often found purchasing large numbers of facial masks at drugstores as souvenirs. In addition to well-known brands like “My Beauty Diary” and “Dr. Jou”, several new brands have also emerged and achieved strong sales growth. In fact, Taiwan’s facial masks production was among the highest in the world in 2014. In 2018, masks alone accounted for 5% of Taiwan’s NT$120 billion cosmetic goods market, demonstrating a global increase of popularity in Taiwan’s facial masks. However, country-of-origin effect can be observed to have an important impact on the buying habits of the consumers of these cosmetic goods. Though the barrier to entry in the cosmetics industry is much lower nowadays, the dominant statuses of leading cosmetic companies from France, the United States of America, and Japan remain steady and apparent. Under these circumstances, this thesis aims to explore the competitiveness and advantages of Taiwan’s cosmetics industry that incubates the success of Taiwan facial masks and to compare the development of two Taiwanese facial mask brands, “Timeless Truth” and “My Beauty Diary”. Based on the research conducted, it can be found that there are several global- leading OEMs within the Taiwanese cosmetic supply chain. Brands have the option to cooperate with manufacturers and employ cross border e-commerce sales channels so that they could focus on the uses of their scarce resources in strengthening the brand’s core advantages. The partnership between manufacturers and the brand may not only increase its capacity utilization but also allow manufacturers to continuously improve and innovate their products based on consumer feedbacks received by the brand owners. With this virtuous circle, the competitiveness of Taiwan’s cosmetic industry would be optimized.


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