近年來動物保護觀念和意識逐漸興起,我國於1998年亦正式三讀通過動物保護法,各地方政府為配合動保法意旨,也紛紛制定了流浪動物保護的相關政策,並漸漸從捕捉、收容和撲殺等方式,轉向絕育減量的做法,臺北市動物保護處更是持續致力於投入辦理相關動保政策,但觀察以前的文獻較少單獨討論流浪貓的政策問題,更少針對臺北市的這些政策進行評估,因此本文決定聚焦在臺北市街貓友善照護行動方案(Taipei Cat Care Programme;TCCP),並採取質化研究法,利用訪談的方式來進行政策評估研究,且從CIPP模型的「脈絡評估」、「輸入評估」、「過程評估」與「結果評估」四個構面,來瞭解TCCP方案的執行情況,亦自政策利害關係人的角度切入,透過MAW利害關係人模型來分析各利害關係人的特質,以觀察其中的互動和協力關係,並釐清TCCP方案的爭點,建構出大家對於問題的共識。 研究結果發現,TCCP方案確實因為屬於道德性質政策的緣故,使得各方政策利害關係人對於動保議題有極端的看法與意見,特別是認同或不認同TNR和TCCP的人還是占了大多數。動保處雖然有提供一些物資和絕育經費的補助,但並沒有真正去了解政策利害關係人的需求,也因為機關本身人力配置的不足,就TCCP方案並沒有對各個政策利害關係人做到足夠的告知與宣傳,導致許多人對方案的瞭解程度、接受度與認同感並不高。雖然大家在TCCP方案中多少有一些互動行為,並存在協力與合作的關係,但由於各個政策利害關係人之間可能因為資訊不對稱或缺乏共識和信任,而影響TCCP方案的執行狀況與成效。最後根據本文受訪者的回應,TCCP方案確實對減少流浪貓數量和街貓友善,以及改善街道環境污染、發情產生的噪音和公共衛生等政策目標有一定的幫助,但在現今的社會當中對貓咪不友善的人還是大有人在,政策也尚有許多需要改進的部分,因此建議動保處可以重新研議且更加重視TCCP方案,以及整合當前政府和民間的人力資源並重新建立起政策利害關係人之間的信任關係,再透過多方宣傳政策來建立大家對於流浪動物保護的正確觀念,以營造友善的環境和氛圍,最重要的是要提供適當的管道來解決問題,才能讓TCCP方案的執行更加順利,並且達到更佳的成效。
Since the emergence of animal welfare and product concepts, Taiwan took a significant step by passing the "ANIMAL PROTECTION ACT" in 1998. In response to this policy, local governments implemented measures to protect stray animals, shifting their focus from capturing, sheltering, and euthanizing strays to sterilization. This article aims to examine the Taipei Cat Care Programme (TCCP), focusing on its implementation and evaluation through qualitative research and stakeholder perspectives. Using the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) model as a framework, this thesis employed qualitative research methods, including interviews, to conduct evaluation of the TCCP. Also, analyze the characteristics of each stakeholder through the MAW stakeholder model to observe the interaction and cooperation relationship and seek to address controversies surrounding the TCCP and foster consensus among policy stakeholders. The findings revealed that policy stakeholders held varying opinions on animal protection issues, particularly regarding the practice of Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) and the TCCP, due to differences in moral perspectives. Although the Taipei City Animal Protection Office (TCAPO) subsidized sterilization efforts and provided necessary supplies, the general public displayed limited understanding, identification, and acceptance of the program. Additionally, the government did not fully grasp the demands and expectations of policy stakeholders. The TCCP faced challenges due to a shortage of human resources within the TCAPO, resulting in inadequate promotion. Furthermore, despite ongoing collaboration among stakeholders, information asymmetry and a lack of consensus and trust negatively impacted the implementation of the TCCP. While the TCCP demonstrated positive outcomes such as reducing the number of stray cats, improving street cleanliness, minimizing sound pollution during cats' estrous cycles, and enhancing public health, there still exists skepticism, indicating the need for further policy improvement. To address these issues, it is recommended that the TCAPO reassess and prioritize the TCCP, integrate resources from the government and humanitarian organizations, and rebuild trust among stakeholders. Effective communication strategies should be employed to cultivate a correct understanding of protecting stray animals and foster a harmonious social environment. Ultimately, the TCAPO should establish appropriate channels for conflict resolution and enforce the TCCP efficiently to achieve better outcomes.