  • 學位論文


Off-line Channel Strategy Analysis of the Wonderful Food

指導教授 : 林博文


電子商務逐漸蓬勃發展,已經顯著地改變人們的購物方式與消費型態。此外,受惠於物流技術突破等議題之發展,電子商務的經營範疇已經從傳統生活用品、3C、美妝、服飾等,逐漸延伸到生鮮食材的領域,這也是當前電子商務最熱門、最有前景的市場之一。生鮮電商市場擁有高消費金額、高回購率、高購買率、高毛利率等特性,倘若能經營妥善,有助於企業創造獲利,帶動集團向上成長。因此,多家競爭業者也開始關注到此市場區隔,不論大型財團或新創公司,皆希望自此找到市場機會點,創造專屬的商業模式。 由於台灣在生鮮電商的議題發展相對於他國緩慢,也因此最有可塑性與可發展空間。以中國而言,生鮮電商龍頭已逐漸壟斷市場,打造知名電商平台如盒馬鮮生等,而其強大的經營策略與在線下的科技應用與虛實整合模式,都使生鮮電商提升到更高的創新思維角度與運籌空間。 因此,本研究期望透過質性研究的方式,以個案研究、深度訪談法、各式文獻資料做為基礎,分析台灣生鮮電商業者在面臨成長策略之研擬時,可以如何利用線下通路佈局的方式,進而帶動公司在營收、規模、淨利等構面之顯著成長,同時提高品牌曝光度與企業形象,並創造更多虛實整合的專案。 本研究首先針對生鮮電商產業進行產業概覽,包含各類型競爭對手之盤點與標竿企業的經營模式釐清。隨後,進行個案公司的決定,並以個案研究法、深度訪談法之方式與經營團隊溝通,找出營運議題及成長挑戰。於結論中,將討論台灣好農如何利用虛實整合及通路佈局之形式,創造公司成長空間,帶動公司朝向中長期願景與目標發展,並給出具體的建議與結論。


In the past few years, e-commerce has become a flourishing industry, which has significantly changed people’s shopping behaviors and purchasing preference. Besides, with the development of logistics technology, e-commerce now could provide not only high-tech products, cosmetics, clothing but also the fresh food categories, which is expected to become the most potential market in e-commerce. Fresh food e-commerce has the main characteristics of high margin, high purchasing frequency, high repurchasing rate, and high shopping amount. If corporation could run this business properly, corporation could grow further and generate more revenues and profits. Hence, several competitors have realized the situations and are looking forward to break into the market and develop its own business model. Since Taiwan’s fresh food e-commerce industry has developed slowly compared to other countries, it seems to have more plasticity and possibility. In China, e-commerce giants have controlled the whole market such as Hema Fresh. Its brilliant operational strategies and off-line technology application allow fresh food e-commerce to grow at a rapid pace. This study adopts case studies and in-depth interviews in qualitative research. Other references are used to be the base of study to analyze Taiwan’s fresh food e-commerce corporations growing strategies, so as to provide more revenues. At first, this study does an overview of the whole fresh food e-commerce industry, includes several competitors analysis. Then, one corporation is chosen for research and to analyze its operational issues and problems. Last, this study provides how the corporation could take advantage and develop through O2O, so as to grow steadily to accomplish corporation’s long-term vision and goals. This study also makes a concrete suggestion and conclusion.


E-Commerce Fresh Food E-Commerce O2O Wonderful Food Stores


