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Application of IoT Solutions to Environmental Monitoring Utilizing Portable Micro Gas Chromatography

Advisor : 田維誠


網際網路的技術發展,改變了人類的生活模式與溝通方式,而物聯網(Internet of Things, IoT)的概念為透過在實體物件上植入各種微型感測晶片、將物件連結上網際網路,從而實現人與物或是物與物的溝通,並使物品具有智慧性,能夠交換資訊、作決策、提供服務等,因而帶來更加便利的生活。 本研究以物聯網概念為基礎,結合本研究團隊開發的可攜式微型氣相層析儀,提供使用者更便利的操作方式,以用於環境中有機揮發性化合物的檢測。實驗包含兩種不同的模式:本地端控制及遠端控制,皆以商用嵌入式系統(Arduino Mega 2560)開發板為微型氣相層析儀的控制平台。本地端控制模式為以Android智慧型手機作為介面,主要以藍牙通訊作為手機與氣相層析儀的資料傳輸管道,使手機能夠收發來自氣相層析儀的資料,若手機有連上網際網路,也可將蒐集的資料上傳至資料庫儲存,適合操作人員需時常攜帶氣相層析儀至不同地點進行量測的場合。遠端控制模式基於TCP/IP協定,在有網路的環境下,遠端的使用者可隨時透過網頁監控系統的狀態。此模式又分別嘗試了兩種架構,一為系統本身作為一微型網站伺服器等待使用者連線進行操作;另一為系統只作為客戶端,藉由輪詢傳送即時狀態資訊至伺服器,以及向伺服器確認使用者有無下達新的命令至資料庫儲存。而伺服器的功能為提供長期的資料儲存及提供終端使用者與微型氣相層析儀互動的網頁介面。本研究成功結合將物聯網概念應用於可攜式微型氣相層析儀,改善微型氣相層析儀之可攜性及實現遠端監控的功能。

Parallel abstracts

With the advancement of Internet technology, the life styles of human have been greatly changed. The Internet of Things (IoT), can be described as connecting physical objects with embedded sensors to the Internet, and thus enabling the new forms of communication between things and people, or among things themselves. There are many domains in which the IoT can play a remarkable role and improve the quality of our lives. In this research, we successfully apply the Internet of Things (IoT) to the portable micro gas chromatography (μGC) developed previously by our team for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) detection, and to provide the user with a more convenient way to control and monitor μGC. The experiments can be separated into two categories: the locally controlled mode and the remotely controlled mode, both using a commercial available product (Arduino Mega 2560 board) as the control platform of the μGC. The locally controlled mode is designed and executed by an Android compatible smart phone app as an interface for user to interact with the μGC through a Bluetooth service. If the Android phone is connected to Wi-Fi or 3G/4G network, it can also upload the data to database server. This architecture is suitable for operators who need to carry the μGC to different places usually. The remotely controlled mode, based on TCP/IP protocols, was designed and conducted via an Internet connection to allow the users to complete the control of the system from their personal computers or mobile devices through the webpage anytime and anywhere. We also try to implement two IoT architectures for remotely controlled mode. The first architecture is based on the query-driven approach. It sets our μGC as a micro web-server, waiting for commands from users to execute the assigned task, and reports back the chromatography result. In the second architecture, the μGC only acts as a client, using periodic polling to send real-time data to the application server and ask the server to search if there are new commands stored in the database by the users. The application server provides long-term data storage, and webpages for the interaction with the μGC by end-users. We successfully design and implement several IoT architectures, based on the various scenario analysis, and apply to the μGC, to improve the portability of the μGC and realize the functions of remote control and detection for easy and flexible environment monitoring applications.


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Cited by

Kuo, C. Y. (2017). 微型氣相層析儀關鍵元件開發及可靠性系統整合應用於氣態有機化合物檢測 [doctoral dissertation, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201703253
