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An Evaluation of Perceived Benefits of School Fences Greening

Advisor : 林建元
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為改善都市環境品質,學校圍牆綠美化即是近年來一種在都市擁擠的空間中,有效改善社區環境、擴大綠化效益之做法。台北市政府於2010 年推動亮綠校顏計畫,以學校教育為核心,將校園的生態永續計畫延伸向外,改善社區的通廊景觀。校園圍牆綠美化活動帶給居民與行人的環境效益為何即為本研究的重點。 透過相關文獻的回顧,本研究對校園圍牆綠美化的相關效益加以分析,並採用問卷調查、條件評估法等方式,以大直國小、華江國小、復興高中為對象進行環境效益感受程度的調查與評估。結果發現,圍牆設計當中,停留點的設計、植栽覆蓋度、綠化及美化綜合設計的方式對於民眾感受程度有明顯影響。住家較近、子女曾經就讀基地學校、有園藝經驗者等對環境效益感受程度均明顯較高。調查顯示,高年齡、住在基地附近者、經常經過、子女曾經就讀基地校園者願意付出較高的價格給予其改善環境以及維持環境。此外,透過開放式問卷填答,顯示對於願付價格多寡的主要影響因素為「是否直接受益」、「使用頻率」以及「收入多寡」等三項,此與透過統計分析檢視的願付價格差異影響因素相符。 若以願付價格乘上當地居住人口,估計每年所產生的環境改善效益,大直國小每年總受益約為4,087,600元、華江國小每年總受益約為5,700,258.96元,與當初建造成本300萬元相較,顯示學校圍牆綠美化具有顯著的外部環境效益,而且市區學校所產生的社區環境效益大於偏遠地區的校園。 根據研究發現,建議政府未來如果繼續推動學校圍牆綠美化,應以綜合型綠美化的改善為優先,植栽的覆蓋度越高得到更大的肯定。此外,適度設置停留點可以實質提高人群互動的效果。後續研究方向建議擴大調查對象、納入生態效益之評估、以分層方法評估環境效益的感受程度。此外,亮綠校顏計畫推動過程中學生、家長及附近居民參與過程所產生的環境教育效益也值得未來進一步研究。

Parallel abstracts

In order to improve the quality of urban environment, vertical greening has been widely adopted to create more green spaces within the congested urban space recently. In 2010, the Taipei City Government began to promote the so-called “Taipei Beautiful Program” to improve the city landscape. Among various actions in the comprehensive program, the serious 5 “Shining the Campus’s Face” was initiated to improve the community landscape based on environmental education by means of reshaping and greening of school fences. The purpose of this research is to identify and evaluate the environment benefits brought to the local residents and passing pedestrians by the school fences greening. The environmental benefits of school fence greening are summarized in this thesis. By means of contingent valuation method, perceived environmental benefits of school fence greening on Dazhi elementary school, Hua Jiang elementary school and Fuxing senior high School are evaluated respectively. It is found that the stopover, planting coverage and greening level of the fence design are the key factors influencing people’s benefit perception. Age, distance, purpose, frequency, and parents of child ever studied in the schools are the key factors influencing the willingness to pay in order to maintain the improved environment. Besides, experience of planting and donation experience also affect respondents’ willingness to pay. It is concluded that “direct received benefit”, ”frequency” and ” salary”, are the key factors influencing respondents’ willingness to pay. If “willingness to pay” per person is multiplied by the number of local residents, the environment benefits generated each year are NT$ 4,087,600 for Dazhi elementary school, NT$ 5,700,258 for Hua Jiang elementary school. Compared to the building costs, NT$ 3 millions, it can be concluded that external environment benefits generated from school fences greening are significantly more than construction cost, and schools located in inner city can generate more environmental benefits to local community than those located in remote suburban area. Based on the research findings, it is suggested that future similar projects should give priority to include stopover design, planting coverage and greening level into to the fence design. Extension of research scope and evaluation of benefits for ecological and environmental education are suggested for future researches either.


侯錦雄(1999)。民眾參與公園景觀維護意願之研究。中國園藝,45(4),pp.371 -386。

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