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Impact of Sanitary and Technical Measures on Argentinean Bovine Meat Exports

Advisor : 陳郁蕙
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This thesis evaluates the impact of technical and sanitary measures on Argentinean bovine meat exports imposed by the major importers of that product, and analyzes how those measures determines its access to the international market. A non-linear panel data gravity model is estimated by fixed effects Poisson pseudo-maximum likelihood (PPML) at the level of Harmonized System (HS) 4-digit data. The analysis is based on trade and regulatory survey data for 15 major importers of Argentinean bovine meat between 1996 and 2012. The results suggest that product related measures reduce frozen bovine meat exports by 80.4%, and conformity assessment measures promote the export volume of Argentinean frozen bovine meat by 118.6%.


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