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An Analysis of Pedestrian Perception of MRT Construction Fence Design

Advisor : 林建元


推動城市永續發展,美化城市並創造都市意象為政府既定的重要政策目標之一,然而永續城市的發展方向並不止於平面上,如何結合垂直綠美化的施作方式與暫時性都市空間立面,更是當前城市綠美化領域的要務。   本研究欲探討臺北市建築物施工中妨礙交通及公共安全改善方案下公共工程圍籬綠美化推動計畫之政策相關內容,其藉由捷運工地圍籬綠美化施作為主題,探討不同的區域條件、施作形式與實際評選過程、在維護與施作成本下,建立一個客觀的評選指標,並以使用後評估配合問卷調查,給予往後捷運工地圍籬施作建議。因此本研究首先歸納不同屬性下捷運施工圍籬會出現的改造形式與實際施作、維護成本,進而探討不同的施作過程與區位所產生的圍籬形式之效益種類。 本研究目的在於探討以下幾點問題: (一) 透過文獻回顧與訪談資料整理探討不同改造形式捷運施工圍籬考量因素並分類其基地屬性。 (二) 參考資料蒐集與訪談後現行圍籬改造形式產生過程,提供可行之不同圍籬改造形式與搭選方案。 (三) 評選不同方案在各基地屬性、施工年期、景觀環境改造效益、成本限制不同基地條件下,探討適合之改造方案,並提供建議。   在結論上我們可得知民眾對於建築工地圍籬綠美化之景觀效益面向滿意度最高,捷運工地圍籬綠美化效益可部分達到整體台北市都市景觀改善永恆效果,不同教育程度、是否居住於基地之對於圍籬綠美化形式環境功能感受程度具顯著差異,最後並給予綠圍籬之重複再利用與加入居民、社區之參與式互動之建議。

Parallel abstracts

Promoting the sustainability of the city, beautifying the city and creating city images are considered to be the government’s primary policies. However, the development of a sustainable city is not limited to a plane surface. How to integrate vertical greening into temporary facades in a city is now a key task in the field of city greening.   The study is to discuss the contents in the program of construction fence greening within the traffic and public safety improvements of Taipei building constructions. By taking the MRT construction fence greening as a subject, we work on different conditions in different areas, forms of green fencing and course of selection and then set up an objective indicator considering the construction cost. In additon, we use post-occupancy evaluation together with questionnaire survey to offer suggestions to the later MRT construction fence greening. Therefore, the study will first generalize the forms of MRT construction fences and maintenance cost in different properties and then discuss the benefits from the fencing forms derived from different constructing process and location   The purpose of the study is to discuss a few questions as follows: A. Discussing factors of different forms of green fencing and categorizing the site properies through literature reviews and interview data compilation B. Understanding the process of the makeover of the fences and categorizing the fences. C. Selecting different programs considering site properties, construction period, benefits of landscape reformation,and different cost limitations; discussing proper make-over programs under different site conditions and then offering suggestions   In the study, we can get a clear picture that the public’s degree of satisfaction with the landscape benefit of the MRT construction fence greening reaches the highest. The MRT construction fence greening can partly improve the whole city visions in Taipei. Different education background and whether the participants dwelling the site make great differences on the feelings of the environment features. After the study, we will offer some suggestions.


  (74-86 頁),台中:中華民國戶外遊憩學會
邱攸園、林晏州(2004),〈都市街道景觀設計元素之成本效能研究〉,中國園50(4) 501-514。

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