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Creative Design of Robotic Mechanism with Multiple Degrees of Freedom

Advisor : 黃漢邦


從古代精巧的機械裝置到現代充滿驚奇的機器人,隨著科技的發展,各種機械裝置持續不斷衝擊著我們的生活觀點。而在這些令人驚訝的機械裝置下,機構設計是當中最基本的一環,若是機械裝置設計得好,就能用最小的能量達到最大的效益,且後續的電路控制更容易設計與控制。因此,機械設計師們努力將設計程序標準化,提出許多設計方法,使得機械設計的醞釀期與思考期能大幅縮短。 本論文的目的旨在發展一套新的設計方法,利用一般化運動鏈為基本概念,透過拓樸矩陣運算來達成設計平面與空間機構的目的,此方法可從現存的機械裝置發展出新的機械裝置或者直接將設計想法轉換成機械裝置。最後本論文將此套設計方法應用於開迴路和閉迴路的機械裝置上,分析現有裝置的一般化運動鏈或自定義規格之新機械裝置後,利用拓樸矩陣運算來設計出新的機械裝置,並將其機構實現在電腦繪圖軟體中,分析和模擬其動態特性,來驗證其可行度。

Parallel abstracts

From ingenious ancient mechanical devices to incredible modern robots, mechanical devices are likely to continue to influence many aspects of human lives. Design is the basic element of these amazing mechanical devices. If the work is done well during the design phase, using a minimum of power can make for the best effect, and the follow-up electronic circuit and control system can be easily designed. Consequently, many mechanical designers try diligently to standardize every procedure in the design process. In doing so, they can spend less time of preparation and incubation in conceptual design phase. This master thesis attempts to develop a new process of design, which uses generalized kinematic chains and the operation of a topological matrix to design both planar mechanisms and spatial mechanisms. This process of design can create new mechanisms from existing mechanisms or transfer new design ideas into mechanisms. Ultimately, the intent is to apply this new process of design to mechanisms with both open kinematic chains and closed kinematic chains, analyze the generalized kinematic chains of existing mechanisms, or define specifications of mechanisms by designers, use the operation of a topological matrix to design new mechanisms, and draw mechanisms in SolidWorks and ADAMS to simulate their dynamic motion and prove their feasibility.


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