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On The Design and Implementation of A System of The Natural Disaster Records in The Chinese Standard Histories

Advisor : 項潔


正史又稱二十五史,記載了中國數千年的歷史,其中的〈五行志〉與〈本紀〉中包含了古代大量的自然災害記錄,其中包含災害的時間、地點與資訊,是現代災害史研究的重要材料。   本研究根據正史〈五行志〉與〈本紀〉中的目錄與規則,以及災害史研究中對於自然災害的相關界定,定義本研究的自然災害。並從文本中依本研究定義擷取自然災害記錄。再根據災害史研究需求,對擷取的災害記錄標記災害事件。設計詮釋資料,建立系統。系統功能主要包含時間、空間與各欄位分類的視覺化分布呈現,以及後分類功能。期待讓使用者得以對災害事件的分布做多角度的觀察,進而發現有趣、值得研究的議題。

Parallel abstracts

The “Standard Histories”, twenty five in total, are the official histories of the Chinese Dynasties. . Many of the Standard Histories contain volumes of Wuxingzhi (五行志), which record disasters occurred during the reign. The Chronicles of the Emperors (Benji, or 本紀) and Wuxingzhi (五行志) also often contains such records. These records document the time of occurrence, location, and severity, thus serve as important evidence for modern studies on the history of disasters. In this study we focus on the natural disasters documented in the Benji and Wuxingzhi of the Standard Histories. We first define the scope of our study and the nature of disasters based on the classifications and rules given in the Wuxingzhi as well as other studies on the history of natural disasters. We then extract the records of natural disasters from the Wuxingzhi and Benji. The extracted texts are further annotated with metadata, so as to meet the needs of the studies on the histories of disasters, A system is then developed to visualize the distribution of time, space and type of disasters, and to provide post-classification functions. It is expected that users will be enabled to make multi-aspect observations on distributions of disasters, thereby identifying issues that are interesting and worthy of study.


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