  • 學位論文


Futures of Open Access and Library Publishing in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳國華


學術傳播自21世紀以來進入一個十分複雜的商業運作模式,商業期刊出版商因緣際會加入學術出版行列,逐漸形成龐大的跨國出版體系,使得學術界捍衛學術傳播自由的堅持與圖書館提供學者學術研究所需資源責任的堅持,幾乎無以為繼。在這樣的情境下,一種新興的學術出版模式悄然揭開反擊的序幕,「開放近用與圖書館出版兩者結合的方式」讓學術界與圖書館獲得重掌學術主導權的機會,這個全球的學術出版課題,台灣已然身在其中。 探索台灣在2035年學術傳播可能出現的圖像,「開放近用與圖書館出版兩者結合的方式」是否能成為台灣學術界脫離期刊出版商箝制的良方,透過未來學研究法,以未來三角、專家訪談、情境分析及因果分層分析法,漸次剖析學術界與圖書館對於學術傳播的未來發展抱持何種觀念、想法,以及在思維轉換後將開啟何種行動,以追求內心真正想要的學術傳播價值。此外在建構可預期未來的同時,對於微信號的展現所透露出的外卡(wildcard),也同步觀察可能的未來發展。透過上述的研究過程,最終目的在建構台灣學術傳播圈中利益相關者共同想要的未來圖像。


Since the 21st century, scholarly communication has entered a very complicated business operation mode. Periodical publishers join the academic publishing industry, and gradually form a huge transnational publishing system, which makes the academic circles couldn’t to defend the freedom of scholarly communication and limit the academic libraries to provide research resources for scholars. In this context, a new academic publishing model quietly opened the prelude to counterattack, provide the opportunity for academia and the library re-mastering academic leadership. This research aims at exploring the possible futures of Taiwan’s scholarly communication in 2035 and examining whether the ways of "open access and library publishing" could become an alternative way for Taiwan's academia to break away from publishers. This research utilize futures methodology, including the Futures Triangle, Delphi Method, Futures Table, Scenario Analysis and Causal Layered Analysis (CLA), to observe the academic community and library that they will have what kind of thinking about the future development of scholarly communication. Through the process of information-gathering, interviewing, brainstorming and deepening the future possibilities, scenarios generated should create subsequent actions to pursue the true value of scholarly communication. Additionally, the weak signals also revealed wildcard scenarios which may surprise us along the way of trend development. In conclusion, the primary goal is to construct the future images of scholarly communication which may lead to the stakeholders' preferred future in Taiwan and a much broader knowledge context.


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