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Influence of e-commerce consumer behavior - case study of China’s Taobao and Singapore’s Shopee

Advisor : 李志強


在網際網路快速成長之際,網路購物似乎已成為趨勢,台灣不分年齡的消費者都曾有上網購物之經驗。近年來網路購物頻率已大幅提升,但電子商務平台無法像實體店面一樣有實際商品,電子商務平台業者亦開始積極推出促銷活動以及手機APP來吸引消費者。   本論文主要以淘寶網及蝦皮購物之網路交易安全機制、對賣家評分為主,以及賣家所提供的資訊多寡、商品豐富性來探討,研究對象為曾使用網路購物之消費者,透過問卷調查,並以統計數據加以分析消費者行為理論中的動機與涉入兩層面,探討是否會影響買家對賣家的信任程度,並且提升顧客滿意度及忠誠度。

Parallel abstracts

With the internet growing and developing at a speed, online shopping has become a trend, and Taiwanese citizens of every age has had an online purchase experience. Recently, the rate of online purchases has increased exponentially. However, compared to offline stores, online stores do not have physical products, therefore, e-commerce platforms have released various promotional events and APPs to attract consumers. This thesis will look at Taobao and Shopee to understand motivation looked at in consumer behavior theory and will be researched from the aspects of: transaction safety, buyer reviews, amount of information provided by seller and variety of products to understand whether these factors will increase buyer’s purchase intentions and trust, as well as satisfaction and customer loyalty through survey analysis.


1. Rankit Kumar著;胡龍騰、黃瑋瑩、潘中道譯,研究方法:步驟化學習指南(台北市:學富文化,民89年),頁130。
2. 王佩涵(2016),「跨境電商的經營研究-以淘寶網為例」,東吳大學國際經營與貿易學系碩士班 貿易金融組碩士論文。
3. 王根瓊、沈芳汶、彭文珊、龔世芬(未知)《教育研究法-個案研究法》。 (http://s16.ntue.edu.tw/flame/teachers/fen/ )(2019.11.25)
4. 邱皓政(2019)《量化研究與統計分析》(六版):SPSS與R資料分析範例解析
