近年來受到地球暖化,石油價格攀升等環境汙染及能源不足的影響,如何削減對於環境的負荷,已然成為一門嶄新的課題。因此各國大力推行綠色節能車輛,紛紛制定輔助政策帶動企業發展,全球的電動車產業結構和網絡也正逐漸成熟。 本研究選擇日本和歐洲這兩個汽車工業發達,並擁有龐大成熟的消費市場及世界排名前段的汽車產業的國家為目標,來分析目前電動車產業發展狀況,並針對各國政府的產業政策及汽車企業面對產業政策下因應的策略進行整理和比較。 根據本研究分析了解,電動車產業對各國來說都是一項新興產業,在產業發展初期,為了創造具有競爭優勢的投資環境,政府在生產因素的創造上扮演領導者的角色,制定產業政策,打造紮實基礎設施,以完善電動車用車環境、協助業者突破技術層面的發展等,為促進電動車產業革命的推手。 電動車產業在近幾年的銷售量以倍數成長,雖然還無法成為主流,但在各國政府提出的產業政策、補助措施的支持和汽車製造商的聯手配合下,已經有越來越多消費者開始接受電動車,並成為目前汽車企業未來的發展趨勢。不過,電動車產業雖然為汽車產業帶來新的革命,但在技術研發例如電池瓶頸、營運方式、市場等問題尚未發展成熟,而克服這些問題必須要政府、企業部門共同一起努力。 各國目前積極制定電動車產業相關扶植政策,從需求面、供給面,到環境面的構築等,而歐洲和日本這兩個汽車大國也展現了其成功的一面,不僅可給其他發展電動車較為落後的國家參考,也積極的改善現在面臨的問題;兩國企業方面也持續不斷的再做改良和創新,期望能盡速啟動市場機制,獲得消費者的青睞。 本研究整理了歐洲和日本的電動車政策和企業發展策略,並且進一步比較,試圖探討政府的角色與定位,提出建議做為政府制定的產業政策時之參考,期許能對電動車展業做出貢獻。
In the last few decades, due to the impact of Global Warming, High Petro price, Deficiency of usable energy, and gradual Environmental Pollution, the exploration of clean, economic, recyclable new energy is becoming a crucial and brand new subject. This research had exemplified two world-leading car manufacturing countries, Japan and German as the best practice and model, who have had mass and mature car consumer market, analyzing the latest development of electric car industry; and make a market comparison amongst several countries’car making strategies and industrial policies, incentives. Based on the analysis, to most countries, the electric car business is a brand new industry at its infant stage. To create and provide a more competitive environment, governments play a leading role in the research, stipulating the policies, helping the car maker to break through the technical bottle neck; and taking the chance to better understand the advantages and opportunities of the electric car business, thus becoming the advocate of this revolutionary electric car industry. In recent years, the selling of the electric car grows by double. The electric car business had entailed the new vision and revolutionary evolvement of car making industry; however there are still technicality issues in some areas such as the efficient utilization of the battery, its operating model, and market reaction are still left to be resolved. The resolution of those technical issues are heavily replying on the seamless cooperation of government and the car makers, to push forward the development of this new business to reach to a justifiable conomic scale. This research had gathered, compiled, and analyzed Japan and German’s electric car policy and development strategy, making a comparison, attempting to explore and understand both governments’role and positioning, to put forward a recommendation for governments who wish to enter to this market, and served as a reference when making its policy and strategy, and expect to make contributions to the electric car making industry.