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The Study of the EU's International Investment Policy: CETA

Advisor : 陳麗娟


2009年里斯本條約生效後,外國直接投資成為歐盟的專屬權限,為共同貿易政策之一環,並授權歐盟代表對外簽署投資協定。2010年執委會提出歐盟國際投資政策,包括將以投資人與地主國爭端解決機制(ISDS)作為歐盟國際投資協定之爭端解決機制。歐加自由貿易協定(CETA)是第一個實踐歐盟國際投資政策的投資協定,也是後續歐盟與其他國家簽署國際投資協定的重要參考範本。 本研究從2010年執委會制定的歐盟國際投資政策出發,先瞭解該政策之內涵以及歐盟其他機關的看法。接著以CETA為範本,分析歐盟國際投資政策的具體結果。由於CETA引起歐盟各國反彈,本研究將探討CETA投資規範爭議的原因並分析修改CETA投資爭端解決機制之可能。最後,若歐盟仍維持原國際投資政策方向,本研究進一步分析該政策為歐盟帶來的機會與挑戰。研究結果顯示,ISDS為最符合歐盟國際投資政策的投資爭端解決機制;歐盟強調要兼顧投資人與地主國的權利,但確保歐盟投資人的國際競爭力仍為政策的重要核心;歐盟國際投資政策為國際投資規則帶來新思維。

Parallel abstracts

Since the Treaty of Lisbon came into force, European Union (EU) has the exclusive competence of “Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).” FDI becomes a part of the Common Commercial Policy. In July 2010, the Commission published a communication, Towards a comprehensive European international investment policy, including setting standards of investment protection and the modified Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS). This thesis firstly works on the content of the EU’s international investment policy. Secondly, it takes the Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) as an example for understanding the trend of the EU’s international investment policy. It is the first agreement under the EU’s exclusive FDI competence. However, there are some objections against the investment chapter of the CETA, especially ISDS. So the last part of this thesis analyzes the comments on the investment chapter of the CETA and considers other investment dispute settlement mechanisms. Moreover, the thesis assumes that ISDS would be a part of the European international investment policy and explores the opportunities and challenges for the EU. The conclusion draws that the investment policy focuses on gaining competitive advantages for the EU investors, even though the EU tries to balance the right of investors and regulating the right of host states. In additions, the investment policy brings some new concepts for international investment rules.


范世平(2012),新加坡主權財富基金發展與影響的政治分析,問題與研究, 51(1):37-68。
Eurostat (2014), “Foreign direct investment statistics,” (Accessed 23.04.2015)
L’Assemblée nationale (2014), “Résolution: sur le projet d’accord économique et commercial entre l’Union européenne et le Canada,” (Accessed 13.01.2015)

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