  • 學位論文


Histidine and Carnosine delay diabetic deterioration in mice

指導教授 : 徐成金


糖尿病為台灣地區最重要的慢性病之一,而糖尿病的併發症是造成糖尿病死亡的主要原因。本研究在探討histidine與carnosine對於糖尿病老鼠的保護作用,觀察其對血漿中葡萄糖、胰島素、纖維網狀蛋白、TNF-α、IL-6及組織中三酸甘油酯與膽固醇的影響。Balb/cA雄鼠經尾靜脈注射streptozotocin(STZ;200mg/kg)誘發糖尿病,飲水中分別加入0.5 g/l(low dose)及1 g/l(high dose)的histidine及carnosine,其組別分別為(1)Control組(2)Diabetes(3)LHis(4)HHis (5)LCar(6)HCar,採自由飲水的方式。結果顯示,飲用histidine及carnosine的糖尿病鼠,其血漿、心臟及肝臟中histidine及carnosine的含量均顯著增加。而血漿中的葡萄糖及纖維網狀蛋白顯著減少;僅1 g/l的histidine及carnosine組顯著增加血中胰島素的含量。糖尿病鼠心臟及肝臟中的三酸甘油酯含量呈劑量關係的降低;僅有1 g/l的histidine及carnosine顯著降低心臟及肝臟中的膽固醇含量。Histidine及carnosine的補充顯著增加腎臟及肝臟中過氧化氫酶的活性並降低脂質氧化作用;只有1 g/l的histidine及carnosine顯著增加麩胱苷肽過氧化酶的活性。Histidine及carnosine顯著抑制糖尿病鼠血中升高的IL-6及TNF-α。上述結果顯示,histidine及carnosine可預防或治療糖尿病併發症的發生。


In vivo effects of histidine amd carnosine against diabetes deterioration in diabetic Balb/cA mice were studied. Histidine and carnosine at 0.5, 1 g/l were added into drinking water. After 4 weeks intake of these agents, the content of histidine and carnosine in plasma, heart and liver significantly elevated (p<0.05). The intake of these agents significantly decreased plasma glucose and fibronectin levels (p<0.05); however, only 1 g/l histidine and carnosine treatments significantly increased insulin level (p<0.05) in diabetic mice. Triglyceride level in heart and liver was dose-dependently reduced by histidine or carnosine treatments (p<0.05); however, only 1 g/l histidine and carnosine treatments significantly reduced cholesterol level in heart and liver (p<0.05). The administration of histidine or carnosine significantly enhanced catalase activity and decreased lipid oxidation levels in kidney and liver (p<0.05); however, only 1 g/l histidine and carnosine treatments significantly increased glutathione peroxidase activity (p<0.05). The increased interleukin (IL)-6 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha in diabetic mice were significantly suppressed by the intake of histidine or carnosine (p<0.05). These data suggest that histidine and carnosine are potential multiple-protective agents for diabetic complications prevention or therapy.


Diabetes Histidine Carnosine Hyperlipidemia Cytokine


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