  • 學位論文


Communication Strategies of Tibetan Buddhism in Taiwan: The Uncertainty Reduction Strategies of “Taiwanese Monk”

指導教授 : 黃葳威


本文是藏傳佛教在台灣的宗教傳播研究,並以「台籍僧侶」作為研究對象,所提出的初探性研究。藏傳佛教在台灣的主要弘法者,首先從1949年傳入台灣時的「漢人上師」,1980年代轉變為海外藏僧蒞台弘法,並逐漸有台灣信徒前往藏傳佛教寺院學法回台後成為弘法者,本文稱為「台籍僧侶」。   過往文獻指出宗教傳播中「師徒關係」具有特殊重要性,藏傳佛教更以強調「上師」概念為其特色之一。有研究曾比較並分析藏傳佛教早期在台的漢人上師與海外藏僧間弘法的難題。本文認為台籍僧侶可能會面臨類似的難題,或其他的傳播挑戰。本文將台籍僧侶在台灣進行的弘法活動,從疑慮消除策略的角度進行研究分析,對於11位藏傳佛教的台籍僧侶進行深度訪談。   研究結果顯示台籍僧侶接觸藏傳佛教的原因,主要受到家庭或學校社團的影響;另一部分則是接觸早期在台的「漢人上師」弘法者。而後受訪者們前往印度、尼泊爾等藏傳佛教寺院學法。台籍僧侶依照獲得的頭銜、身份,以及回台後的自我定位,進行不同的弘法活動。本文將台籍僧侶的角色區分為傳法者、協助者兩類。同時將受眾劃分為信徒、非信徒。並整理歸納台籍僧侶進行宗教傳播時的困境與挑戰,進而透過疑慮消除策略的研究取向,探討台籍僧侶在弘法時的消極策略、積極策略、互動策略三種傳播方式。


This study is about the religious communication of Tibetan Buddhism in Taiwan with the subject of "Taiwanese Monks". The main propagators of Tibetan Buddhism in Taiwan can be categorized into three types chronologically. First, the "Han Guru" in 1949. Next, the “Overseas Tibetan Monks” in the 1980s. Finally, the “Taiwanese Disciples” who studied in Tibetan Buddhist monasteries became propagators after they returned, which is named “Taiwanese Monks” in this article.   Previous literature suggests that the "Mentor-Disciple Relationship" plays an important role in religious communication, and have analyzed the challenges of missionary work for "Han Guru" and the “Overseas Tibetan Monks”. This study believes that “Taiwanese Monks” may face similar problems or other communication challenges. Therefore, this study analyzes the “uncertainty reduction strategies” of Taiwanese Monks’ missionary work in Taiwan, and conducts in-depth interviews with 11 Taiwanese Monks of Tibetan Buddhism.   The results of the study show that the main reason why Taiwanese Monks contact with Tibetan Buddhism was the influences of their families or school clubs, and the other part of reason was their contact with the "Han Guru" who preached in Taiwan. Taiwanese Monks then studied Dharma in Tibetan Buddhist monasteries, and after returning to Taiwan, they carry out different missionary work according to their titles, identities, and self-positioning. This study divides the roles of Taiwanese Monks into “preachers” and “assistants” and the audience into “believers” and “non-believers”. And then summarized the religious communication challenges of Taiwanese monks through the approach of uncertainty reduction strategies, exploring the negative, active, and interactive strategies of religious communication during Taiwanese monks’ missionary work.


《大方廣佛華嚴經》。收錄於《大正新脩大藏經》,第10冊,No. 279。取自中華電子佛典協會(CBETA)資料庫https://cbetaonline.dila.edu.tw/zh/T0279_053
《大智度論》。收錄於《大正新脩大藏經》,第25冊,No. 1509。取自中華電子佛典協會(CBETA)資料庫https://cbetaonline.dila.edu.tw/zh/T1509_001
《六祖大師法寶壇經》。收錄於《大正新脩大藏經》,第48冊,No. 2008。取自中華電子佛典協會(CBETA)資料庫https://cbetaonline.dila.edu.tw/zh/T2008_001
《佛說仁王般若波羅蜜經》。收錄於《大正新脩大藏經》,第8冊,No. 245。取自中華電子佛典協會(CBETA)資料庫https://cbetaonline.dila.edu.tw/zh/T0245_001
