  • 學位論文


Effect of music tempo on autonomic nervous system regulation in exercise

指導教授 : 林貴福


目的:觀察運動中聆聽快節奏、慢節奏及無節奏反映在心率變異度的變化,指標包括總功率、高頻功率、低頻功率及低高頻比。方法:招募19名健康男大學生(年齡21.50 ± 2.27歲;身高174.07 ± 6.48 公分;體重67.11 ± 9.20公斤)為研究對象,進行三次運動強度為50%的最大攝氧量,持續30分鐘的原地踏車運動,實驗處理分別有快節奏、慢節奏及無節奏等操弄,並以Polar RS800CX記錄全程心跳率。所得資料先以相依樣本t檢定考驗安靜休息與運動中自律神經系統之差異,再以重複量數單因子變異數分析檢驗三種音樂刺激對運動中自律神經調控的差異,需要進行事後比較時,採用Bonferroni法。結果:休息狀態與運動中的總功率、高頻功率、低頻功率及低高頻比相比,皆達顯著差異(p>.05)。快節奏、慢節奏及無節奏的平均總功率分別為302.35 ± 228.08 ms2、340.95 ± 257.14 ms2及358.99 ± 312.73 ms2,無顯著差異(p>.05);高頻功率分別為45.20 ± 36.06 ms2、34.08 ± 28.84 ms2及81.24 ± 85.04 ms2,達顯著差異(p<.05),事後比較顯示無節奏高於慢節奏;低頻功率分別為114.44 ± 89.29 ms2、138.67 ± 126.33 ms2及148.88 ± 168.29 ms2,無顯著差異(p>.05);低高頻比分別為5.67 ± 2.85、6.78 ± 3.39及5.08 ± 2.63,達顯著差異(p<.05),事後比較顯示慢節奏高於快節奏及無節奏。結論:運動中聆聽不同節奏音樂,無法影響交感及副交感神經活性;但慢節奏音樂可提升自律神經活性平衡。


Purpose: To investigate the changes of heart rate variability (HRV) while listening to fast-tempo music (FTM), slow-tempo music (STM) and non-music (NM) during exercise. HRV indicators included total power, high frequency power, low frequency power, and LF/HF ratio. Methods: Nineteen healthy male college students were recruited (mean age 21.50 ± 2.27 yrs.; height 174.07 ± 6.48 cm; weight 67.11 ± 9.20 kg). Each participant performed three bouts of 30-minute continuous cycling exercise on ergometer with intensity at 50VO2max under manipulation of FTM, STM, and NM as experimental treatments. Heart rates recorded by heart rate monitor (Polar RS800CX). Collected data analyzed with paired t-test to examine the differences of automatic nervous system regulation between rest and exercise, and with repeated one-way ANOVA among three experimental treatments on music tempo. Bonferroni method for post-hoc comparison when needed. Results: Total power, high frequency power, low frequency power and LH/HF ratio were all showed significant differences between rest and exercise (p<.05). The average total power under FTM, STM and NM conditions were 302.35 ± 228.08 ms2, 340.95 ± 257.14 ms2, and 358.99 ± 312.73 ms2respectively, and didn’t show any significant difference (p>.05). The high frequency power values in each condition were 45.20 ± 36.06 ms2, 34.08 ± 28.84 ms2, and 81.24 ± 85.04 ms2 respectively, and showed significant difference (p<.05). Post-hoc comparison indicated higher value in NM than FTM condition. The low frequency power values in each condition were 114.44 ± 89.29 ms2, 138.67 ± 126.33 ms2, and 148.88 ± 168.29 ms2 respectively, and didn’t show any significant difference (p>.05). The LH/HF ratio values in each condition were 5.67 ± 2.85, 6.78 ± 3.39, and 5.08 ± 2.63 respectively, and showed significant difference (p<.05). Post-hoc comparison indicated higher value in STM than FTM and NM. Conclusions: During exercise, listening to music with different tempos or no music did not affect the activation of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve system. However, listening to slow-tempo music could improve the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve balance.


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