  • 學位論文


Design Research of Residential Lighting Design Arts

指導教授 : 張謙允


當前照明藝術相關研究絕大多數運用在建築景觀照明,室內博物館,展 覽館的展示性照明,而對居家照明藝術化探討少有研究。但家是人們每天放 鬆休息的地方,恰恰更需要照明藝術的渲染與應用。因此本研究將居家空間 劃分為四個有代表性的空間,並與現下普通家庭的照明環境作比較,進行個 案分析,並總結歸納每個空間照明藝術的特點,試圖提出居家照明藝術化的 表現形式,彙整出居家照明藝術設計 5 大表現的核心表現價值觀、4 個表現構 面與 14 項表現形式。核心價值觀分別是:自然、有情感、有創意、有意境、 有魅力。4 個表現構面與分別是:從光源方面藝術化、從燈具方面藝術化、從 照明方式方面藝術化、從光分佈構圖方面藝術化。從上述案例分析居家藝術 化可以從光源、燈具、照明方式、光分佈構圖四個方面來構建。從光源方面 藝術化條件為(1)光源顏色為暖色,(2)光源為可調節色溫、亮度之燈。 (3)光源的演色性、照度、亮度達到空間需求標準。從燈具方面藝術化條件 為:(1)吊燈:燈具外型美觀,無不良造型,造型與空間整體風格保持一致 性,(2)除造型精美的吊燈,燈具皆有做隱藏,只留光灑出來——見光不見 燈。從照明方式方面藝術化條件為:(1)工作機能導向空間(如廚房、廁所) 需要對工作檯面給予局部照明,(2)利用對比(亮度、光影)的照明方式, (3)層板、暗燈槽內運用反光的方式。從光分佈構圖方面藝術化條件有:(1) 運用點、線、面形狀 LED 燈具,通過排列組合形成的幾何形狀,構圖部位或 前面或天花或地面。(2)空間的整體構圖燈具擺放應避免眩光、閃爍,達到 符合空間目的的氣氛。


Most of the current research on lighting art is used in architectural landscape lighting, display lighting in indoor museums and exhibition halls, and there are few studies on the art of home lighting. But home is a place where people relax and rest every day. It just needs the rendering and application of lighting art. Therefore, this study divides the home space into four representative spaces, compares it with the current lighting environment of ordinary families, conducts case analysis, and summarizes the characteristics of each space lighting art, trying to propose the performance of home lighting art Forms, summarize the core performance values of the five major performances of home lighting art design, four expression facets and 14 expression forms. The core values are: natural, emotional, creative, artistic, and attractive. The four performance aspects are: art from light source, art from lighting, art from lighting, art from light distribution composition. From the above case analysis, home art can be constructed from four aspects: light source, lamps, lighting methods, and light distribution composition. The artistic conditions in terms of light source are (1) the color of the light source is warm, and (2) the light source is a lamp with adjustable color temperature and brightness. (3) The color rendering, illuminance, and brightness of the light source meet the space requirements. The artistic conditions in terms of lamps and lanterns are: (1) pendant lamps: the lamps are beautiful in appearance, without bad shape, and the shape is consistent with the overall style of the space; (2) except for the exquisitely shaped pendant lamps, the lamps are hidden and only light Come out-see the light but not the light. The artistic conditions in terms of lighting methods are: (1) the work function-oriented spaces (such as kitchens and toilets) need to give local illumination to the work surface, (2) the use of contrast (brightness, light and shadow) lighting, (3) laminate, Reflective method is used in the dark light trough. Artistic conditions in terms of light distribution composition are: (1) The use of point, III 居家照明藝術設計之研究 line, and surface shape LED lamps, the geometric shape formed by arrangement and combination, the composition part or the front or the ceiling or the ground. (2) The overall composition of the space should be arranged to avoid glare and flicker, so as to achieve an atmosphere that meets the purpose of the space.


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