  • 學位論文


Towards a Sustainable Dadaocheng Historic District: the Historic Urban Landscape Approach in Taipei

指導教授 : 喻肇青


大稻埕歷史街區歷經民間團體及市府參與保存工作,2000年公告發布實施的「大稻埕歷史風貌特定專用區」成為台灣都市保存進程中重要先例,然而全區歷史性建築雖已陸續進行修復,現行都市設計審議制度與容積移轉獎勵卻未能回應地區對於未來的想像;在面臨觀光發展與產業轉型之際,如何朝向可持續發展之路,保有歷史風貌真實性,是大稻埕歷史街區刻正面對的時代課題。 為了因應世界各地歷史城市所面臨的都市發展壓力,UNESCO聯合國教科文組織2011年通過的《歷史性城市地景建議文》(Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape)揭示了朝向都市發展與景觀保存均衡共容的方法論;將「都市遺產管理」視為都市治理的戰略,主張都市遺產是提升地區宜居性的重要資源,是都市多樣性的要素,是創造力、創新和都市發展的推動力。建議文並透過「公民參與手段」、「知識和規劃手段」、「監管制度」及「財務手段」等四項工具,說明一系列適應當地環境的傳統和創新方法如何在試點城鎮或良好的都市設計案例中被應用。 本研究從筆者自身社區參與經驗出發,透過文化資產保存論述相關文獻回顧與田野調查,研究UNESCO歷史性城市地景如何建構當代都市保存方法論,並以聯合國教科文組織《歷史性城市地景建議文》四項工具檢視大稻埕歷史街區保存成果,理解大稻埕潛在利益關係人或團隊等社會關係網絡,透過UNESCO案例分析國際上歷史性城市地景試點城鎮如何建立適當的公私合夥關係和在地管理框架,提出後續各種行動應關注的都市紋理及社會經濟層面,讓更多社區進行式持續在各個角落發生。 本研究成果主要論述「大稻埕歷史風貌特定專用區」是透過知識和規劃手段制定都市計畫,但尚未擴大公民參與行動,除了容積移轉制度,公部門缺乏有效財務工具與更具強制性的監管手段介入,在公共設施與街區景觀上也缺乏基礎,從而引發大稻埕歷史街區面臨災害應變與觀光衝擊的疑慮。藉由探討大稻埕經驗在台北歷史性城市地景的意義與可持續發展方向,期能以台北市都市發展尺度重新評估大稻埕歷史街區的保存與發展,並反思歷史街區保存論述的當代處境。


This study attempts to shape the historic urban landscape framework in Taipei, basic on the only well-preserved old-town in Taipei named Dadaocheng historic district. Dadaocheng is situated on the west side of northern Taiwan, along the Tamsui riverbank. Domestic and international merchants gathered the Dadaocheng area in 19th century for tea and commodity wholesale trading. The Ching Dynasty Regime and Japanese Occupation officially devoted many efforts on modernizing Dadaocheng, making Dadaocheng once the most important trading center in Taiwan. Institute for Historical Resources Management (IHRM), an NGO established in 2004 by conservation enthusiasts throughout Taiwan, first introduced the idea of ‘The Historic Urban Landscape Approach’ in Taipei through an ‘Taipei’s Industrial Corridor along the old railway’ project in 2012; this project first introduced the concept of historic urban landscapes to Taipei and aimed at finding a sustainable and pedestrian-friendly design for public space. In 2000 year Taipei Urban Planning Ordinance declared “Dadaocheng Special Historic District”. This measure well preserved the traditional streetscape by urban planning tools. However the awareness must be raised about the concept of historic urban landscape. This study goes through the UNESCO Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape in 2011 and tries to understand how the historic urban landscape help us to governance our heritage or historical resources in cities. Follow the four tools include civic engagement, knowledge and planning, regulatory system and financial tools; we may boldly propose a sustainable urban regeneration strategy for the historic urban landscape in Taipei.


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