精品咖啡雖為咖啡市場下的小眾市場,但卻是目前咖啡發展之趨勢,對於台灣尚屬於新興的市場,十分值得研究。精品咖啡的興起,使得部分咖啡消費者對於咖啡的需求動機變得更加多元,其對咖啡的認知與價值也有所轉變,他們背後所追求的消費意涵更加耐人尋味。因此,本研究透過深度訪談,瞭解精品咖啡消費者的消費動機,以及探索影響這群消費者咖啡行為轉變之因素與形成之消費價值,最後歸納出精品咖啡對消費者而言的消費意義,希望本研究結果能協助產業更加了解精品咖啡消費者之相關資訊。 本研究結果發現,在精品咖啡文化的影響下,消費者開始以「品」的方式去嚐一杯咖啡,精品咖啡對他們而言是更精緻、更有品味的咖啡消費,也進而影響其他飲食習慣。另外,對精品咖啡愛好者而言,好的咖啡使他們心情愉悅並樂於分享,甚至發展成為一種認真性休閒活動,而這樣的消費文化也使精品咖啡文化產生不同的觀眾。最後,本研究歸結出精品咖啡對於消費者而言,具有「照顧自己、探索及自我展現」等三大消費意義的追求,總體來說,對消費者而言喝咖啡如果是一種習慣,精品咖啡就是一種認真的休閒和一種生活的品味。
Specialty coffee is a trend and niche market in coffee industry. The fast growth of this market segment has changed the behavior of some coffee consumers. Without a good understanding of these customers, independent coffee shops may end up losing market share to competitors. The purpose of this study is to understand specialty coffee culture and the consumption value of patrons when they visit independent coffee shops. Upon performing in-depth interviews with consumers while in independent coffee shops the findings reveal specialty coffee enthusiasts are quite serious about their coffee as related to their personal leisure and lifestyle. Gradually they enter into the realm of connoisseurship with various practices while tasting their coffee. Three different audiences have been identified: regular consumers, connoisseur consumers and career development consumers. Based on the differences in consumption motivation, consumption value, and other coffee consumption behaviors among the three different audiences, owners of specialty coffee shops in Taiwan can customize their strategies to meet the needs of these patrons.