本研究欲了解接受長期諮商會談訓練之心理師,於剛進入職場時,其專業認同與工作滿意程度的變化關係。本研究有三個主要問題:於實習中接受長期心理諮商訓練的心理師,對其初入職場時的專業認同有何影響;又對其初入職場時的工作滿意度有何影響;最後,欲了解其初入職場時的專業認同與工作滿意度間的關係如何。本研究採用量化資料為主、質性資料為輔之研究模式,先寄發線上問卷蒐集受試者資料,再從中篩選出後續訪問之受訪者。在量化資料分析上,本研究使用描述性統計、K-S檢定、Mann-Whitney U檢定、Kruskal-Wallis 檢定與Spearman's rho 係數相關;在質性資料分析上,則將訪談錄音轉譯作逐字稿,再採用模板式分析,作為量化結果的補充解釋。 研究結果發現,不同實習受訓年資之心理師的整體專業認同程度與部分因素有顯著差異;不同「專業工作時數」與「諮商平均次數」的心理師之整體專業認同程度與部分因素也有顯著差異。而不同實習受訓年資的心理師之部分工作滿意度因素有顯著差異;而不同「專業工作時數」與「諮商平均次數」心理師的工作滿意度因素有部分顯著差異。專業認同與工作滿意度的各因素間,也有顯著相關。最後依據研究過程說明研究限制,再依結果給予建議。
This study aimed to investigate how the training of long-term counseling would influence novice psychologists’ professional identification and job satisfaction. This study explored three key questions: Would the professional identity of novice psychologists who had joined apprentice program for long-term counseling varies from those who had participated in programs of other counseling approaches; would the training of long-term counseling affect novice psychologists’ level of job satisfaction? And last but not the least, what is the relation between professional identification and job satisfaction, especially for novice psychologists. In this study, quantitative method is a core component and the qualitative is the supplementary strategy. Information from subjects was first collected from on-line questionnaires. After data from the bulk of subjects was analyzed, the researcher selected appropriate subjects for face-to-face interview. Descriptive statistics, K-S test, Mann-Whitney U-test, Kruskal-Wallis test, and Spearman rho correlation were used. Interpretation of quantitative data was supplanted by qualitative data from interview transcripts structured by template analysis. The result showed that there is a significant difference of professional identification in the psychologists with different seniority, and a significant difference of the professional identification in terms of psychologists’ working hours and numbers of sessions. Besides, a significant difference can also be found in the job satisfaction of psychologists with different seniority, as well as in the job satisfaction of psychologists in terms of their working hours and numbers of sessions. We can also see the significant difference between effects of professional identification and job satisfaction. At the end of this thesis, the researcher would describe the limitation of the study due to difficulties in the research procedure, and would give suggestion according to the research results.