  • 學位論文


The Reverse Engineering Concept of Corporate Management─ A Case Study Of Arsène Pâtisserie

指導教授 : 林欣美


隨麵包業始於小店鋪,源自於經營者的技術,可是一個優秀的麵包師傅不見得就擁有良好的經營手腕。在烘焙商機的大餅下,來自各產業的投資者嗅聞道商機,尤其麵包業是現金流,造成跨足到麵包事業風潮。然而,當很多產業走向極大化(企業化),希望可以迅速發展、擴增獲利的同時,不禁也讓人思索這樣的經濟模式,是否適合烘焙業者。 本研究論文以「亞森洋菓子」的創業經驗為例,透過訪談歸納出小型烘焙業之經營者,如何以品牌逆向工程的思維模式,與同業、異業共創良好關係,為小型創業者奠定良好的企業根基,在詭譎多變的市場風潮中,建立永續立足的創業DNA。


It was prevalent that most players of the bakery industry are small shops run by owners who have bakery skills. It explains that a skillful owner is not necessarily equipped with excellent management skill. Nowadays the nature of the bakery industry changes since the great opportunity along with bountiful cash flow attracts many diversifications from other industries. Nevertheless, the large scale-up of the industry brings a second thought regarding to whether it is really good for the bakery industry turns into quick expansion and increased profit as the optical economic model for bakery. This study explores the entrepreneurship experience of Asian Fruit. By interviewing the founder, it deducted a conclusion that the alternative optical economic model for bakery industry maybe lies in the thought of the reverse engineering concept of corporate management including creating cooperative relationship with competitors and players of other industries. This reverse engineering concept of corporate management benefits the small shops of bakery industry to develop DNA of sustainable business at the tides of changing market.


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