本研究以北臺灣地區中小學已婚教師及其配偶共433人為研究對象,平均年齡38.98歲。採用問卷調查法進行資料搜集,研究工具包括「原生家庭經驗量表」、「心理分離-個體化量表」及「婚姻滿意度量表」。所得資料以t考驗、典型相關及多元迴歸進行處理分析。研究結果如下: 一、妻子對密切的人際關係感到焦慮不安的程度顯著高於丈夫。 二、當原生家庭經驗是高度親密,中度依賴時,心理分離-個體化會傾向高度的「遭拒期望」、「否認依賴」與「親近焦慮」。 三、當原生家庭經驗是高度自主,低度親密時,心理分離-個體化會傾向高度的「自我讚賞」與「權威連結」。 四、當原生家庭經驗越強調親密與自主並重,心理分離-個體化中自我讚賞的程度越高時,對婚姻的滿意度越高。 最後根據研究結果進行討論,並提出建議,以作為未來相關研究的參考。
The theoretical framework for this study lies mainly within the mode established by object-relations theorist Margaret S. Mahler. The sample consisted of 433 married teachers and their spouses with mean age of 38.98 years. Instruments included the Chinese Family-of-Origin Scale, the Chinese Separation-Individuation Scale, and the Chinese Marital Satisfaction Scale. Data were analyzed by t-test, canonical correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. Results were as follows: 1. Adult females had a significantly higher score in Engulfment Anxiety than adult males. 2. When the perceived family-of-origin experiences were high Intimacy and moderate Dependence, separation-individuation tended to be more Rejection Expectancy, more Dependency Denial, and more Engulfment Anxiety. 3. When the perceived family-of-origin experiences were high Autonomy and low Intimacy, separation-individuation tended to be more Practicing Mirroring, and more Authority Enmeshment. 4. The order of the importance in family-of-origin experiences and separation-individuation that could be used to explain marital satisfaction was Intimacy, Autonomy, and Practicing Mirroring. Based on these findings, implications for practice and further research were addressed as well.