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The Correlation of Marital Values and Intentions of Unmarried Women’s

Advisor : 周麗端
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本研究旨在探討未婚女性的婚姻價值、婚姻意向之關係,採非隨機方便取樣的方式進行問卷調查,在台北縣市與宜蘭縣市兩地區共回收有效問卷476份,研究以「婚姻酬賞量表」、「婚姻成本量表」、「婚姻意向量表」及「個人基本資料」為研究工具收集資料,所得資料以SPSS 12.0版進行處理分析,以描述統計、因素分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、重複量數變異數分析、積差相關分析和多元迴歸進行統計考驗。分析結果如下: 一、未婚女性婚姻價值之分析 (一)婚姻酬賞 1.未婚女性對於「婚姻酬賞」普遍有高度認同。 2.未婚女性對於「符合規範和增加資源」會因教育程度不同而有顯著差異存在。 3.不同職業的未婚女性對於「婚姻酬賞」各個面向沒有顯著差異。 4.未婚女性對於「符合規範和增加資源」、「友伴關係」、「合法關係」與「情感承諾」會因年齡不同而有顯著差異存在。 5.不同信仰的未婚女性對於「友伴關係」、「合法關係」、「情感承諾」與「實現角色」普遍具有高度認同。 6.未婚女性對於「合法關係」、「情感承諾」與「實現角色」會因現階段異性交往經驗不同而有顯著差異。 7.未婚女性對於「友伴關係」、「合法關係」與「實現角色」會因性別課程參與經驗不同而有顯著差異。 8.宜蘭縣市未婚女性較臺北縣市未婚女性認同結婚會有「符合規範和增加資源」與「情感承諾」。 (二)婚姻成本 1.未婚女性對於「婚姻成本」普遍有高度認同。 2.不同職業的未婚女性對於「婚姻成本」各個面向普遍高度認同。 3.未婚女性對於「加重責任」會因宗教信仰不同而有顯著差異。 4.未婚女性對於「不安的情緒」與「在夫家的挑戰」會因現階段異性交往經驗不同而有顯著差異。 5未婚女性對於「加重責任」、「在夫家的挑戰」與「對娘家的為難」會因父母婚姻和諧程度不同而有顯著差異。 6.臺北縣市未婚女性較宜蘭縣市未婚女性認同結婚會有「在夫家的挑戰」。 二、未婚女性婚姻意向之分析 1.五成八的未婚女性傾向同意結婚,三成五的未婚女性傾向不結婚。 2.民間信仰未婚女性較信仰佛教未婚女性傾向結婚。 3.現階段有異性交往經驗的未婚女性較現階段沒有異性交往經驗的未婚女性傾向結婚。 4.有性別課程參與經驗未婚女性較沒有性別課程參與未婚女性傾向結婚。 5.傾向結婚未婚女性較傾向不結婚未婚女性認同婚姻會有「符合規範和增加資源」、「友伴關係」、「情感承諾」與「實現角色」。 6.傾向不結婚未婚女性較傾向結婚未婚女性認同婚姻會有「減少自由」與「不安的情緒」。 本研究最後依據研究結果,分別針對未婚女性、婚前教育課程、未來研究提出建議。

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The aim of this study is to explore the relation between unmarried women’s marital values and marital intentions. Non-random convenient sampling is used in this study with 476 eligible questionnaires in total from Taipei County/ City and Yilan County. The instruments used for data collection and analysis are marriage rewards scale, marriage costs scale, marital intentions scale and demographic information. All statistics are computed by the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). Descriptive statistics, factor analysis, t-test, one-way analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA), repeated measure analysis of variance, product-moment correlation and multiple regression are utilized to evaluate and analyze between factors. The results indicated as follows: A. The analysis for marital values among unmarried women: 1. Marriage Rewards (1)Generally, unmarried women highly recognize “marriage rewards”. (2)There is a significant discrepancy in perceptions of “conform to norms and increase resources” among unmarried women with different education levels. (3)There is no significant difference in any perspective of “marriage rewards” among unmarried women with different careers. (4)There is a significant discrepancy in perceptions of “conform to norms and increase resources”, “companionship”, “legal relationship” and “affective commitment” among unmarried women at different ages. (5)Generally, unmarried women from all the religious beliefs highly recognize “companionship”, “legal relationship”, “affective relationship”, and “role fulfillment”. (6)There is a significant discrepancy in the perceptions of “legal relationship”, “affective commitment”, and “role fulfillment” between unmarried women currently with and without heterosexual relationship. (7)There is a significant discrepancy in the perceptions of “companionship”, “legal relationship”, and “role fulfillment” among unmarried women who have different experience of participating in gender courses. (8)Compared with unmarried women in Taipei County/City, unmarried women in Yilan County more recognize that marriage would “conform to norms and increase resources” and fulfill “affective commitment”. 2. Marriage Costs (1)Generally, unmarried women highly recognize “marriage costs”. (2)Unmarried women from all careers highly recognize as all perspectives of “marriage costs”. (3)There is a significant discrepancy in the perception that marriage would “increase responsibilities” among unmarried women who have different religious beliefs. (4)There is a significant discrepancy in the perceptions of “sentiments of insecurity” and “challenges from the in-law’s family” between unmarried women currently with and without heterosexual relationships. (5)There is a significant discrepancy in the perceptions of “increase responsibilities”, “challenges from the in-law’s family”, and “in a dilemma from family of orientation” among unmarried women who have different parental marital harmony. (6)Compared with unmarried women in Yilan County, unmarried women in Taipei City/County more recognize that marriage would “challenges from the in-law’s family”. B. The analysis for marital intentions among unmarried women: (1)Fifty-eight percent of the surveyed unmarried women tend to get married, while thirty-five percent tend to remain single. (2)Unmarried women with folk beliefs tend to get married than those with Buddhist beliefs. (3)Unmarried women currently having a heterosexual relationship tend to get married than those currently having no heterosexual relationship. (4)Unmarried women having experience of participating in gender courses tend to get married than those having no experience of participating in gender courses. (5)Compared with unmarried women who tend to remain single, unmarried women who tend to get married more recognize that marriage would “conform to norms and increase resource”, “companionship”, “affective commitment” and “role fulfillment”. (6)Compared with unmarried women who tend to get married, unmarried women who tend to remain single more recognize that marriage would “reduce freedom” and “sentiments of insecurity”. Finally, according to the results of this study, suggestions are proposed for the unmarried women, premarital education courses, and the research studies in the future.

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