職能治療師提供之醫療復健是職業災害勞工重建服務中的一部分,因此,職能治療師若能在重建服務前端即時發揮專業,並視職業災害勞工需求與其他專業合作,滿足勞工的多元需求,便能使職業災害勞工接受完整且有效的照護。本研究之目的為探討職能治療師對職業災害勞工提供醫療復健所需專業知能的重要性與具備程度,以及了解專業知能發展需求。 研究者以目前或曾經有對職業災害勞工提供醫療復健的職能治療師為研究對象,利用自編之「職能治療師對職業災害勞工醫療復健之專業知能調查問卷」為研究工具,採用李克特式五點量表形式作答,得分越高表示填答者認為該題目的重要程度及具備程度越高,利用網路問卷調查方式,共收集272份問卷,扣除無效問卷後,共得203份有效問卷。所得資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析等方法進行分析。 分析結果如下: 一、 職能治療師對職業災害勞工醫療復健之專業知能重要程度自評部分,在知識、評估及治療技術三個面向皆達到「重要」程度以上。 二、 在職能治療師對於職業災害勞工醫療復健之專業知能重要程度的自評上,不因最高學歷、總執業年資、生理職能治療執業年資、執業場域類型、教學與否及提供職業災害勞工醫療復健情形等不同背景而在專業知能的重要程度上有所差異。 三、 職能治療師對職業災害勞工醫療復健之專業知能具備程度自評部分,在知識、評估及治療技術三個面向,具備程度皆落在部分具備到大致具備之間,其中平均分數以評估面向為最高,其次為治療技術,知識面向為最低分。 四、 在職能治療師對於職業災害勞工醫療復健之專業知能具備程度的自評上,因總執業年資和執業場域的不同而有差異存在,不因最高學歷、生理職能治療執業年資、教學與否及提供職業災害勞工醫療復健情形等不同背景而有所差異。 根據研究結果加以討論,發現在了解職災相關政策、使用實證職能治療、資源尋求與整合能力、評估職災勞工心理社會功能、提供工作環境改造建議等部分為職能治療師對職業災害勞工醫療復健之專業知能發展需求所在。最後,提出實務上及對未來研究之相關建議,以供參考。
The medical rehabilitation provided by occupational therapists is a part of occupational accidents labor reconstruction services. Therefore, if occupational therapists can perform their professions at the beginning of reconstruction services immediately, cooperate with other professions according to the needs of workers and satisfy the diverse needs of workers, then occupational accidents workers can receive complete and effective care. The purpose of this study is to explore the professional competencies of occupational therapists in medical rehabilitation for workers with occupational accidents., and to understand the development needs of professional competency. The researcher invited occupational therapists, who provided medical rehabilitation for occupational accidents workers, to rate the questionnaire developed by the researcher ”Professional Competency of Occupational Therapists in Medical Rehabilitation for Workers with Occupational Accidents”. The questionnaire was answered in the form of a Likert-style five-point scale. The higher the score, the more important and mastered the question is considered by the respondent. A total of 272 questionnaires were collected using online questionnaire surveys. After deducting invalid questionnaires, a total of 203 valid questionnaires were collected. The data were statistically analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, and one-way ANOVA. The main findings of the research are as follows: 1. Occupational therapists rated the importance of professional competency in medical rehabilitation for workers with occupational accidents as above the "important" level in terms of knowledge, assessment, and treatment techniques. 2. There were no differences in rating the importance of professional competencies in medical rehabilitation for workers with occupational accidents among different backgrounds, such as the highest degree of education, years of work experience, years of experience in physiological occupational therapy, type of workplace, teaching or not. 3. Occupational therapist rated their mastership of professional competency in medical rehabilitation for workers with occupational accidents from “partial” to “approximately” level in terms of knowledge, assessment, and treatment techniques, and the average score in assessment scope is the highest, followed by treatment techniques, and knowledge scope is the lowest score. 4. There were differences in rating the mastership of the professional competency in medical rehabilitation for workers with occupational accidents among years of work experience and workplace; there were no differences in rating the mastership of professional competencies in medical rehabilitation for workers with occupational accidents among different backgrounds such as the highest degree of education, years of experience in physiology occupational therapy, teaching or not. Based on the results, it was found that understanding occupational accident-related policies, using occupational therapy evidence-based intervention, resource seeking, and integration capabilities, assessing the psychosocial functions of workers in occupational accidents, and providing suggestions for working environment are the needs for improving professional competencies of occupational therapists in medical rehabilitation for workers with occupational accidents. Finally, the researcher provides suggestions for practical application and subsequent researches.