  • 學位論文


The Effects of Mind Mapping and Summary Instruction on Digital Reading Comprehension Ability for Junior-High School Students

指導教授 : 魏嘉宏


本研究的目的在分析數位閱讀時,摘要與心智圖策略對國中生閱讀理解的影響,並找出不同國文能力的學生適用的閱讀輔助策略。研究設計採取真實驗設計中的「隨機化區組設計」來探討運用不同的閱讀輔助策略後,學生閱讀理解能力的改變情況。研究者採取便利抽樣,以任教的桃園市中壢區東興國中八年級其中三個班級的學生為實驗對象。本研究的自變項為閱讀理解策略,包含無任何閱讀策略、摘要策略、心智圖策略、摘要加心智圖策略共四種。每次閱讀文章及閱讀策略後,進行閱讀理解測驗。依變項為受試者的閱讀理解能力。藉由各種策略輔助下的閱讀理解成績的差異來瞭解不同的閱讀理解策略之成效。研究結果顯示: 一、使用閱讀策略方案前,學生閱讀理解能力有明顯落差。 二、使用閱讀策略方案後,學生閱讀理解能力有明顯的的提升。成效排名依序為心智圖策略、摘要與摘要加心智圖策略。 三、心智圖策略最能提升學生的閱讀理解,且適用於所有能力的學生。 四、閱讀策略對閱讀理解的影響在不同閱讀能力者身上無明顯差異。 研究者針對以上研究結論提出建議,以供教師作為教學應用與未來研究之參考。


The purpose of this study was to explore the effects on digital reading comprehension ability for junior-high school students by use of mind mapping and summary strategy, and find the most suitable reading strategies for students with different reading abilities. Adopting Randomized Block Design design to explore the differential condition of reading comprehension after apply different strategies. Researcher adopted convenience sampling.Three eighth-grade classes from Dong Sing Junior High School in Taoyuan City participated in the study. Independent variables in this study was reading strategies,including summary strategy, mind mapping strategy,summary plus mind mapping strategy. Every time after reading the article and the strategy , students do the reading comprehension test. Reading comprehension ability was dependent variables.Differences in reading comprehension scores by various strategies assisted to understand the effects of different reading comprehension strategies. The results were as follows: (1) Before using reading strategies program, there was significant difference of reading comprehension ability among the eighth-grade students. (2) After using reading strategies program, the students’ reading comprehension ability had improved significantly. Ranked in order, was a mind mapping strategy, summary strategy, summary plus mind mapping strategy. (3) Mind mapping strategy could best improve students' reading comprehension, and apply to all students. (4) Effects of reading strategies on reading comprehension had no significant differences among students with different reading abilities. The conclusion of study was proposed as references for teachers and future research concerned.




